No I am not, and if you look through the origional thread I even just saw this:
And along with other exchanges.
I am not asking for a direct loan here, but through BTCjam.
According to your view, you are asking an indirect loan here. That is enough for a negative feedback as you don't have any trust here.
Once again you said: "I haven't seen him leaving a negative feedback for just advertising BTCJam link here."
But apparently you say I "you are asking an indirect loan here", which clearly in my original thread I clarify that I was not looking for a loan here but on BTCjam.
So where do I stand with your biased view?
I am fine under your terms of advertising my BTCjam link, and also NOT fine under your same terms of posting a BTCjam link here.
Do the math
I mean he doesn't leave negative feedback only because you advertised your loan listing here. He left you negative feedback because you didn't have any trust to ask for 7.5BTC loan.
Its still one and the same...
'Trust' is the main problem. If you have good trust, he will not leave you a negative feedback but you didn't have to ask 7.5BTC loan.
But this is not what Vod or you said or required at first.
You are changing the goal posts.
Also I did have trust up to the level of A on BTCjam... That is where I was asking for the loan.
My trust was adequate there for the needs.
I seriously wish I never did ask, as I wouldn't have to deal with you and Vod.
I could continue on my merry way making loans and still paying them back.