Blockchain was easier to talk about – it made me appear to be on the cutting edge and allowed me to avoid the dirty looks and the hushed whispers that followed any mention of Bitcoin. When I talked about blockchain, friends and colleagues would listen intently and engage me with questions about this wondrous new technology. However, once I mentioned Bitcoin they would pull me aside and ask how I was feeling, not so subtly questioning my mental clarity.
Blockchain made me feel good, but there was something missing; there was something hollow about blockchain without Bitcoin. I went back and re-examined my first encounter with Bitcoin in an attempt to discover where we had gone wrong.
Yep, that guy gets it. Here's another good quote:
This finance guy grasps it, but for some reason Jamie Dimon cannot? Or does but won't cop to it...
The whole "blockchain is the real game changer, bitcoin will fade" argument shows such a misunderstanding of what blockchain and bitcoin is and how it works. You cannot have an immutable distributed ledger without the token. The good news is those of us who are beginning to grasp the novel situation we have been in for 8 years still have time to exploit those who do not, or choose not to open their eyes.
I used to feel sorry for them. But I don't anymore.
Everyone makes their choices.