I think she was saying if alternative energy replaces oil, then the dollar is not really "backed" by anything. The next "backing" would be food/water, which perhaps why Monsanto and the like are trying to gain control over the food supply. Digital currencies fit in there as well, for they can be limited backers of our currencies, or they can be our currencies. She warns agains allowing them control these digital currencies and that we need many.
That last statement is quite interesting as perhaps it's not about "What can Litecoin do that BTC can't?" but rather "We need more than one digital currency to limit the powers that be, in a sense." Certainly something to chew on...
I had this same thought the other day. If there was only bitcoin, and mining becomes so saturated with high-end hardware (does this sound familiar?) that it becomes unattractive at the consumer level, you hit a ceiling of decentralization. At a certain point, buying more hardware is just throwing money away, BUT if you buy enough hardware, you suddenly become the federal reserve. I saw a website the other day (forgot the address, sorry) that just keeps a running statistic for how much it would cost to launch a 51% attack on bitcoin via hardware manufacturing. Right now it was something like $350m. That seems like a lot (depending on how you look at it) but if bitcoin was to gain the global acceptance that we all hope it will someday, it's not a lot at all. There is a big incentive to be the "federal reserve" of bitcoin, and a government entity might be willing to shell out that kind of money to do it. In fact, multiple governments might be racing for it. Even if they all fail, the network will have a majority of government control, and they can come up with all kinds of dealings with each other behind closed doors (like they do today) and leave us in the exact same situation we are in right now (with the dollar).
This is a legitimate reason we need Litecoin (among other coins). Litecoin is our insurance policy, not our silver. If we lose "control" of bitcoin, we (those of us who don't like being bound by government money) can easily move into Litecoin, making the prospect of trying to control digital currency a little less appealing. Let's not forget that we always need to have that backup plan ready, and maybe not be as big of a dick to the Litecoin fans.... maybe.