I just wonder if the market can *still* do its thing without "monetary injections." It hasn't lived a"natural" lifestyle for so long, shooting meth to wake up, dope to get through the day & horse tranqs to fall asleep -- i doubt it could get clean without barfing all over the place, throwing temper tantrums & cleaning out my wallet for "just one more fix." What if the best we could look forward to is a series of methadone clinics, AA meetings & ugly relapses? "If you gonna be like this, might as well get back on the stuff, Lee."
You have to watch some of Max Keisser regarding "quantitative easing". The short answer "they" we can't stop. The debt has grown so large and once we slow the printing of money we can no longer pay for the debt as the interest rates will move up. QE will continue until things pop. (We have a bond bubble as well.) Interest rates are rising anyway. Seriously, it is going to get interesting, very interesting. Talk about the worlds largest social experiment, I say the money one ends as the others have (Boom).
Speaking of which, here is his latest episode - A GREAT ONE - on... Quantitative Easing. Coincidence?
(Worth 2 watches.)
Another thing that people don't seem to understand is that QE is a very effective way to tax the population without them realising it, they don't have to be sent a bill or made aware of it at all.
Let's take the example of the UK economy, for no other reason than that's where I live. Suppose the real total wealth of the country and the total amount of Sterling in existence is £1trillion, and that it's divided equally between the government and us the long suffering population. Next the government prints another £1trillion of fiat and keeps it. There hasn't been another £1trillion of wealth generated to justify that so the only thing that can happen is for the value of Sterling to halve. Now two things have happened, the first is that rather than having £500,000,000 of wealth the population only have half of that, they might have the same amount of bank notes but they can only buy half as much with them. The government has £1,500,000,000 in bank notes now, they too may only have half the value they did but they've effectively arranged it so that rather than the government and the people having a 50:50 share in the unchanged real total wealth of the country it's now 75:25, and nobody has noticed. Obviously these are fictitious numbers but that's not the point.
Yeah and I often wondered why the inflation rate wasn't rocketing (though it is still going up.) So obvious to me now that the Big banks are not sharing in their coming into money. Max talks about this in this and other episodes. And the terrible part (or a terrible part) is that they are causing the price of assets (stocks, homes in some cases and basically where ever they put their money) to artificially go up in their "asset investing" program (The rich get richer and we are making the payments). Instead of we the people getting the money, they are keeping the vast majority in their circles. But what happens when they stop this? Those asset prices will plummet and we are getting there. (Must listen to the show I linked.)