I heard Celsius is talking to banks and can probably defend their position now.
Liquidated positions for BTC and ETH are steadily dropping so everything is calming down.
I have seen several posts from Simon Dixon (on twanker) talking about "helping them". Evidently he, and a group of investors he seems to guide have a lot of fingers in that pie.
It's interesting. Because from *MY* vantage point Celsius is the kind of company that is doing wrong by Bitcoin... maybe some of their products are legit... but they SEEM like the sort of company that is doing all kinds of shenannagains via selling paper bitcoin, and offering leverage products. I dunno. Maybe they are just collateralized loans? which is not SO bad... but I do not know.
Also I have always felt Dixon was respectable... but this sort of thing makes him take a dent too in my humble opinion.
The Old fiat system's bread and butter was loaning out the same thing more than once... and people have not looked at Bitcoin hard enough to realize why that is a SUPER-TERRA-BAD idea. It works when what you are dealing with is DEBT... but Bitcoin is NOT debt, it is actual value.
Anyway... it just seems to me these setups are just a recipe for disaster. Even people investing great sums in bitcoin businesses either just don't understand bitcoin, or are willing to take risks to basically rip people off.
I think crypto investors/users/exchanges should demand insight and proof of collateral positions held by coins.
Exchanges should only list coins they can prove to be solvent IMO.
But yes this bear market has done good to get rid of the worst setups...
So let me get this straight:
1. Satoshi created Bitcoin as a response and rejection to all the fiat scammery and fuckery going on in the trad finance market
2. A centralized, pre-mined, over-leveraged, fractional reserve Ponzi shitcoin/de-fi ecosystem gets created around Bitcoin called "crypto", embodying all the same scammery and fuckery of the trad finance market
3. People who claim to understand what Satoshi created are inexplicably defending the Ponzi shitcoin/de-fi ecosystem with phrases like "maybe some are legit" or "maybe they are ok" or "just collateralized loans, so not that bad" or "may bring some good to the world".
Really ?? REALLY??
There is ZERO defence to the "crypto" fuckery scam ecosystem. Zero. It's the same shit being created in the fiat trad finance world all over again.
1. True and this will remain
2. You don't understand the difference between crypto and Bitcoin.
3. With that type of reasoning every company is a Ponzi scheme.
It's not the same shit because the printer can't go brrrrrrrrr