56:30-1:02:00 ...but I think that he is exaggerating it, or least I hope.
I am a baby of the relatively stable MAD era, can't really think of the alternatives.
Welp, the guy sounds like a moron to me. It literally doesn't matter how fast the ballistic missiles are and saying we would have no response if Russia attacked is pure bullshit.
The guy is fearmongering with lies. I'm sure the gaslit folks will buy it hook line and sinker but anyone else should know its a load of crap.
... I wonder if you've ever considered where Russia might be thinking of for a potential Poseidon deployment? ... not any land-locked countries, most likely an Island nation? or continental coastline? with a major CBD center, and on an estuary ... like London? or Amsterdam? or New York? or the Potomac?
... not that I would want any of that to happen but you've got to think practically about these things if you go to war, "cross red lines", steal people's money, blockade their trade, etc, etc ... what are your opponents capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, etc?
... not fearmongering but screaming "lies, lies, lies" in panicked denial is a sure recipe to get blind-sided by a superior military power
... why do you think NATO(USA) has been pushing so hard to get it's missiles so close to Russia, like in Ukraine literally on Russia's border? ... maybe because Russia has developed capability to bring down any missiles launched from further out, rendering most of ICBM fleet useless?
I've tried to inform friends and family like this as well (so understand the frustration), the younger generations simply don't understand the destructive capabilities of these types of weapons, or when they do start to understand their confidence snaps and they lash out by dismissing it completely because it makes no sense. Anyone who has done ABC (Atomic Biological Chemical) warfare training in military, or grew up during the cold war will at least be partially aware of this.
Some common examples of ignorance and general info...
People look at the impact radius and think of a nuclear weapon as a huge conventional bomb totally ignoring the long term radiation part. For example, you can knock out a city like New York with 50-100 megaton yield, but depending on height of the detonation and elements used in the core you can make that area uninhabitable for thousands of years (radioactive half-life of the elements), meaning any survivors trying to move into this area will get cancer from the radiation and die within weeks, complete DNA breakdown in effect preventing generation of new healthy cells in the body.
You have the neutron bomb which was specifically designed to be detonated at high(er) altitude to create an EMP blast which knocks out all electronics for hours, kills people through heat and radiation waves, but leaves buildings relatively intact and free from radiation.
Biological weapons are risky to use for the military because it can move with weather/wind and hit own troops, but perhaps not when used on a whole continent with enemies. Thinking of the current covid pandemic with like ~1% death rate among the elderly, instead imagine something like Ebola weaponized which has 90% death rate.
Anyone who has done VX (and similar) nerve gas training (chemical weapons) can tell you only one tiny drop of the stuff anywhere on your skin is enough to lock the body in complete spasms within seconds causing lungs and heart muscles to cramp up leading to death. The only way out of the cramp is to quickly use atropin which might end the cramp spasm (it's not 100% effective), the auto injector used for atropin can penetrate thick army clothes and even items in your pockets, it's designed this way because you only have seconds to administer before it's too late. Perhaps you remember the famous false flag operation in Syria about chemical weapons being used in Duma, where the CNN reporter picks up a piece of cloth from the ground and starts sniffing it and proclaims it smells weird so must be chemical weapons, it's comically bad (staged) for the reasons mentioned previously.
This info is dated, surely there are worse things out there now. There seems to be no lack of innovation when it comes to killing people and deliberately destroying the earth.