"> Today, Marty Bent released his 2 hour+ Tales from the Crypt podcast interview with Paul London, and London makes some good points regarding how both the motivations of Russia and the likely outcome of the USA's seeming heavy-handed-ness with financial sanctions may end up causing some acceleration of the dollar demise that comes faster than anticipated.
London also describes that some of Russia's most recent missile technology developments that the USA denies , but ends up painting the USA in pretty handicapped position when it comes to playing any kind of nuclear card or any kind of direct-combat game with Russia.
Of course, since this is a Tales from the Crypt podcast there ends up being wee bit of a bitcoin angle to the discussion (at the end), even though London does not seems to be very bullish ab out bitcoin's role or likely fate. London seems to have some beliefs that governments have an ability to regulate Bitcoin into oblivion, so maybe London's current errors in thinking causes him to be more of a pre-coiner rather than a no-coiner? perhaps? perhaps?
Your linkey is brokey.
dis works think/hope the main talking dude is wrong in his assessment of their capabilities.
probably just scaremongering, imho.
56:30-1:02:00 ...but I think that he is exaggerating it, or least I hope.
I am a baby of the relatively stable MAD era, can't really think of the alternatives.
He might be wrong, as you stated.. but it seems a bit much to suggest that he is scaremongering... ...
We do know that militaries might sometimes have capabilities that the public does not know that they have, and also the USA is considered to be more open than Russia.. so sometimes Russia might be exaggerating... but we know that both sides exaggerate - and there is some decent amount of logic that the USA may well be exaggerating its own capabilities, so there are not really abilities to win on a technological level.. and for sure the USA does not want to believe that anyone else could be number 1, but the USA has also gotten into similar kinds of problems when it farms out so much of its production capabilities to China.. .so then China learns how to do stuff and they have capabilities of doing things and producing things while the USA does not even have that capability.. The USA only knows how to consume and to create fantasy visions of the world through hollywood, web3, gaming, financial smoke and mirrors, etc..
The USA likes to paint the Russians as technologically backwards, but there could be some truth in their war strategizing .. even though I doubt that they really were prepared for all of the so far cutting off reactions from the west.. . and how long they might be able to sustain themselves and keep alliances with China without China becoming uncomfortable with some of that,.. too...
The Russians may well get painted into a corner in which they feel that they have to show their capabilities.. but does not necessarily mean that would be a good idea, either... that might be part of the reason why several months into the future, pretty strong tensions are going to remain.. and some needs for one or the other (or both to blink a wee bit.. take a breather... is that even possible? or are we still in the stage of escalation.. and for how long?)