OK... I gotta say something... Listening to a podcast and just heard the guest say:
You are taking territory on the bitcoin blockchain like you are getting a piece of ultra scarce real estate. It's like buying Manhattan real estate in 1776.
I have always felt like owning bitcoin was basically a land grab. So yeah... I love that part of the analogy.
But here is where he is still thinking too small: New York is just the greatest city in what (30 years ago was) is the greatest country on Earth. And yeah, that sounds pretty awesome but it does NOT EVEN COME CLOSE to what Bitcoin is.
That sort of opportunity came many times before the USA existed... You could buy parts of downtown Paris in the 15th century. Or London or Tokyo etc... But wait? You could not live in Paris from 1437 to today so what good would it do you? Well some, I guess. But by now your descendants would have snorted it up their noses. Same with 1776 and NYC. Lotta good owning that will do you in 2021. I mean I am all for the long time preference. But shit. I want my great-great grandchildren to be well off.. but I also want a house in Hawaii before *I* die too.
Bitcoin is not limited to a single country. And it is not just a city in the making. It is
THE new value NETWORK for the
ENTIRE FUCKING GLOBE. It is buying real estate in
ALL the big modern cities AND all the town squares in every little village, town, hamlet, and shire
This kind of change in human history has happened EXACTLY ZERO times. There is nothing to compare it to.
And it is technology. So, it happens at the speed of light. Not only can you complete the purchase instantly... but the appreciation is going to happen at a pace the
... and we are only at the very, very, VERY
VERY beginning of it.
I know there are many folks here... Some have thousands of Bitcoin, even tens of thousands. Some have hundreds... Some tens. And some still, are struggling to get to one whole corn.
Guess what?
It doesn't fucking matter.
IF you are here. AND you own bitcoin... Speaking from outside the bounds of immediate time.
Buying Manhattan land in 1776. Lol. Bush league.
good to see that i am not the only one having a hard time to cope with the epic&sheer magnificence of tectonic wealth shift of unprecedented magnitude.
i listened to the same podcast.
the bitcoin network consists not only of connected nodes and miners and wallets. the folks operating this stuff are also connected via social media, via forums, some even meet in rl. we not only have an ongoing cooperation between silicon valley billionaires, early adopting nerds, chinese miners, regular sat stackers from around the globe, sharp podcasters on every continent, ex silk road pundits, south american refugees of inflation, hobby miners in rural europe, nerds of all ages, wall street investors, retail investors, (etc, etc, etc, etc, etc & etc) - we have a strong and vibrant vocal network of individuals harvesting gains of unprecedented proportions, that are all taking up the hard work of singing the bitcoin gospel.
this is a
strong network. the first digital global money network.
man, i need to sell chairs and stack more sats.