Wow, didn't realise what I posted would cause so much drama. Apologies for that. All I meant by it is that those morons in that video suffer from the same selective reasonings and echo chamber mentality that (most) bcashes also fall victim to. A quick visit to the /r/btc subreddit will show you just that. That doesn't mean BCH doesn't work and that you can't transfer value... just that the reasonings for its existence are flawed and serve to push an agenda. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to shoe horn a BCH dig into a matter so serious; I'll think differently next time
Raja, I'm sorry mate, terrible news, thoughts are with you
Hey, heslo. To the extent that you are kicking yourself (or apologizing) at any level for denigrating bcash or any of its variants, or bringing up the topic in a negative way, you should not feel any regrets.
Fuck bcash and its variant other shitcoin similitudes and other shitcoins too. Fuck them all, and fuck the complications that might come in the event that you might receive some shitcoin and have to figure out how to cash it out for fiat or for bitcoin.
Yeah, some of us might be able to dance our way around some of these shitcoins, but frequently we might end up in some kind of vulnerability or some other bullshit when we are trying to deal with some of the shitcoins which might be o.k. for some of the more hard core bitcoiners amongst us, but surely could either fuck some other people up or turn them off to bitcoin too when they end up getting screwed over by some shitcoin, aka just like corona virus in several comparable ways.
I'm not sorry for shitting on BCH, I'm sorry for the drama I caused in here by saying it. Now probably isn't the time for everyone to be at each other arguing talking points, especially with all the shit going on. But yeah, you're right, fuck them all
You cannot really avoid fights in here, and many of us are NOT purposefully provoking. At least, I don't claim to be purposefully provoking - even though sometimes (or maybe a bit more than necessary) I might engage with a topic or a post, when it would be totally reasonable just to let the post stand, and not engage with it.
Opinions can differ too in regards to how to talk about shitcoins or even whether to mention shitcoins, so perhaps arguably, you could have employed a different analogy in order to NOT necessarily trigger that kind of discussion, so maybe in that regard, a lesson could be learned, but those kinds of decisions are completely discretionary, and I suppose that if there is a pattern we might start to believe that heslo is a shit-stirrer.. hahahahaha... perhaps? Perhaps?
Sure, I understand also that tensions are likely quite high, including if people are getting sick, getting exposed to sick people, cooped up in their houses and maybe not really in a preferable situation and even losing work or income while various investments are going down in price, including BTC (or at least uncertainties regarding whether BTC is going to rebound or maybe even get drug down more than we had previously thought to be possible, so even with a rebound, we cannot really rest assured about how to deal with its future price performance potential, or even weighing that with our other investments, if any).
By the way, we don't even really have jonoiv to pick on because he ended up being
(kind of) correct about sub $6k, and he even seemed to chime in about being able to buy back his .5BTC or whatever it was that he had sold in the $6k territory that we had previously considered to have had been quite unlikely to be revisiting such prices... In any event, even jonoiv was not very specific about what he did exactly, and if he had bought back everything or continued to wait, but at the same time, a lot of members here did not have a lot of will power to try to razzle him or to interrogate him because many of us probably had been in some level of shock and might even continue to be in some kind of level of ongoing shock and rattled status. Go figure.