As a lot of
I shouldn't have watched that... these people... I have no words
The same mentality as bcashers; living in fantasy land
I don’t think you have a point. I used BCH to transfer hundreds of dollars of value to Bruno recently, to assist with his funeral arrangements. Does that sound like ‘fantasy land’ to you?
Freakin idiot.
Oh Brother.
Really breher... really??
Take things out of context to apply them to you personally much?
I know Bruno never had qualms with bcash and thought Roger Ver was an OK guy. But invoking him to make a point here is unnecessary.
Oh brother.
Really, nutildah... Really ?
WTF Do talking heads blabbing about the effects of covid have to do with BCH?
Nothing, that’s what.
Stupid non-sequitur is stupid, and deserving of having its stupidity ridiculed.
Seems a bit of bullshit for you to be trying to pump up bcash variants in this thread on a regular basis, jbreher.
If there is any way to make an analogy to point out any variant of bcash or any other shitcoins as the shitcoins that they are, then that is completely on topic in this thread.
There seems to be no reason here, to be pumping up any shitcoins, whether bcash or otherwise, just like nutildah already asserted:
It is always OK here, if not welcomed. Its one of the things we do, and that defines WO culture.