Without a blockchain confirmation, your bet is not really "confirmed" with directbet.eu . What it does is validate the odds, amount (if and when it arrives), your winnings (if you win) and the txid.
If your bet wins, directbet.eu would grade only when confirmation arrives. No exceptions and no matter how long it takes. No blockchain confirmation(s), no payouts. Simples.
Correct me if I am wrong but my limited blockchain knowledge tells me that if there is a double spend only one of the two transactions could possibly confirm?
So your assertion, that directbet.eu confirming bets is akin to giving lines of credit to anonymous players is wrong.
If a player double spends (assuming payment never arrives @ directbet.eu) and their bet loses, good for them. But If their bet wins they lose out on their winnings. Simple as that.
You're right, it's not really a line of credit. It's something though - a risk DirectBet chooses to take in exchange for the action it attracts. It reminds me a situation I was in last summer:
During a trip to vegas I had just sprinted to the window at sportsbook to get a bet in with about a minute left before the game was going to start. The lady quickly printed the ticket, and I took out my wallet and realized all my cash was in the safe in my room (staying in same casino).
She offered to hold the ticket while i ran up to get the money. (I had placed bets with her over the past 2 or 3 days, she knew I had a room and 7stars card, and probably figured she would get a tip)
I ran up, key didn't work. Had to go to front desk, get new key.
New key didn't work, repeat. Took forever.
By the time I got back to the sports book, the second inning had just ended and the score was 2-2. I gave her a nice tip but noticed she was acting weird.
When I figured out what I had missed in the game I realized why. I had Boston moneyline, they were playing Tampa. It turns out Tampa hit two solo homeruns within the first 10 pitches of the game. Boston tied the game with 2 run homer during the bottom of the second ... right before I came running up to the window to collect my ticket I hadn't paid for yet. I went back later during the trip and got the death stare. I'm sure she was convinced I had freerolled her and would of left her holding the ticket if boston hadn't managed to tie the game when they did.
I know the situations have their differences, but, just like DB, the teller made the decision to open herself up to getting free-rolled because she thought the risk was worth it for her in hopes of a tip. She didn't have to do that, they could of called to get the bet cancelled, she volunteered because she thought it was in her best interest.
Even if she had proof I was going to freeroll her, it would be absurd for her to justify taking my cash when I finally returned and then just keeping my money AND the ticket...or somehow voiding my ticket after the game was over and refusing a refund - which is basically what happened to hungryman.
Does any of that make any sense?
Regardless of if directbet decides to reimburse the OP for his winnings, I think that directbet should not accept 0/unconfirmed bets that have less then xxBTC worth of fees attached.
I agree. If nothing is changed, this will happen again.