Vostok rallied twice this year by 500%, Efyt several hundred percent, tidex x10, btc 400%. Everything on that platform except the most valuable asset, Waves itself, has rallied.
Because the price has been this shorted for so long, most users will sell as soon as it goes to $5 but it will go up vastly more after that.
This is exactly how peple are left behind in parabolic moves, do not sell waves, it will be worth hundreds of dollars next year and this period of shorting it s great test on everyone and I personally greatly dislike shorting of something that has intrinsic value. Go and short Bitcoin instead, there is real air bubble there.
Bitcoin added $20 billion in market cap in a few hours yesterday, and waves cannot even add $7 million or 10%.
When it reverses, no one will have time to enter position, must do it already now.
Exit strategy must also be planned before, because it is too difficult to plan in the middle of crazy rally.