@Gizmo i think you need to evaluate the approach yourself if you want that.
Anyway, a scientific conference will never ever evaluate the proposal for bugs, they will just evaluate the scientific value of the proposal. So i would not imagine that we get practically relevant insides from the reviewing process.
alexkof - Last Thursday at 19:06
Hi, have posted some text about recent issues: https://forum.wavesplatform.com/t/relase-0-13-x-issues-postmortem/908
> @Gizmo We will not be voting feature 8 until it has been audited by a 3rd party
Do you mean audit for code or formula?
Gizmo - Last Thursday at 19:15
The formula mostly yes
hawky - Last Thursday at 20:23
@Gizmo The formula is basically the extension that was already suggested in the original analysis of the NXT algo. Really i don't see your problem with it.
Additionally, this is probably the best tested feature in testnet.
Gismo is from wavesnode.net