Wavesnode.net (most likely POSPOOL too) not and will not voting for feature #8 "FairPOS".
1 3P2HNUd5VUPLMQkJmctTPEeeHumiPN2GkTb (WavesGo) [8] 9 40.91% 9
2 3PNMvAqJWYPkwf8fhz46rZiLEWpTmuhD3Uh (POSPOOL) - 3 13.64% 0
3 3P23fi1qfVw6RVDn4CH2a5nNouEtWNQ4THs (Wavesnode.net) - 3 13.64% 0
Unlease your funds from them ASAP
Since I'm leasing my Waves to wavesnode.net (and I own a good amount of WNET too) can you explain like I'm 5 what feature 8 is about. What is FairPOS ? It's a change in the LPoS protocol or something else?
The disadvantage of Nxt formula is that it allows very large miners to forge not proportionally greater number of blocks. We can see that performance is much better on our real network, e.g. WavesGo’s performance is 1.168 which means that with 22% of stake it gets 27% of blocks:
it is logical why a big pools do not want fair mining algorythm
Yes, [8] is supposing voting for Fair PoS being activated. More information about Fair PoS can be found here https://docs.wavesplatform.com/en/platform-features/fair-pos.html
Best wishes,
Waves Community manager.