Not much you can do if they fuck with your coins. Even USA could not catch them, so if they're gone they're gone. Sadly. Let's hope for the best, it would be a shame to lose this exchange imo.
That's where you are wrong, I went through this 3 years ago
So I created an Army, to retrieve lost coins and for when the next time it happens.
Cells everywhere that will implement without notice when shit goes wrong.
Lets see them try and screw people over.
How many more scams do you need to see before you stop buying into this BTC/cryptoFIAT ponzi scheme ?
We need to delete and/or boycott the blockchains !
Do not mess with the WEX
The only thing to
Boycott - Roger Ver, his Associates, his Paid Shills and all the Investments he and his shills have started - a lot I know
been waiting for one of Rogers long time associates to f#$k up
I know exactly what you are doing - LEAVE MY COINS ALONEI'm not sure what to do with it but BigVern says on twitter that some coins (not BTC, LTC, DASH of course) can be withdrawed from Cryptsy. If I had some of those I'd try to log in as soon as possible...
Remember Cryptsy
And the ones who
got the shares paid out after Cryptsy collapsed are
It is well known it is all
linked to Roger Ver investments and
Paid ShillsFind the shills, find the investors, find Roger, find the coins - Easy just need thousands of customers to battle the thousands of
Paid shillsOh wait!!
There is an army of pissed of
customers over 10 years, bitinstant, bitconnect, mtgox x 2, cryptsy, silk road
etc etc etcThere is only one focus for these
Inglorious BTCastards (
thousands of ex customers ready to unleash hell), ripped off their coins to see other's lambo shitposting on the back off their retirement
Take what is yours, be lions
They have no proof, no answers, only abuse and harassment - you know who they are
(future harassment proves who they are from past posts in their profiles)
Future proves past