As Bertrand Russell said, 'Diet, Injection, and Injunction will be combined at a very early age to produce the type of individuals that the leaders find desirable.' As one military whitepaper said, 'promotion of homosexuality can be used to limit population growth.'
Now run along and drink your high fructose corn syrup drink out of the estrogen mimicking plastic bottle, eat your soy based foods, drink your fluoridated water. Go to public school and learn about Heather's two mommies. Watch a never ending stream of fagotry on free-to-air mainstream media. And most importantly, don't forget to get ALL of your government mandated 'vaccinations'.
Do you think you can be turned into a homosexual? Do you think a homosexual can be turned into a straight man?
If you think there is a way, post it. I really would like to know.
Sure. Babies start out as a single cell and develop from there. At birth they are highly undeveloped and that development proceeds in various ways well past puberty in into early adulthood. It is well known that there are many techniques which can manipulate this development process.
A basic understanding of endocrinology (hormones) was obtained around the turn of the century, and the 'leading scientists' of the day were ga-ga about the possibilities. That's reflected in a lot of the science 'fiction' of the day. The Huxleys were sort of cross-over between 'fiction' and hard science. Russell was more on the straight-up science end of the spectrum.
Long before that political/religious leaders figured out if the started fucking kids, the kids would be all fucked up psychologically (and often homosexual, sadistic, etc) and would make good political/religious leaders who would repeat the cycle.
In short, human sexuality is highly malleable in the development phases. That's not to say that there isn't a fair bit of natural variation as well. Some guys, for instance, will turn out as queer as a three-dollar-bill no matter what their upbrining. Others could be molested weekly in church and turn out to be perfectly straight. Most people are in the mushy middle and infant/childhood experiances have a pretty big influence on how they turn out.
It would be nice if it worked, as we need to get the global population growth to near zero.
You have scientists actively working on techniques.
You have science fiction writers writing books about it.
You have an abundance of prima fascie evidence that social and biological methods are in use.
You have obvious evidence that the techniques are effective in the numbers which you can see at the street level without even needing to do a data dive into the research.
You have people like yourself who are totally cool with the idea of making people gay to solve the 'overpopulation problem'.
In spite of all that it's a 'tinfoil hat conspiracy theory' that anything like that is actually happening. I would say that 'sexuality' is hardly the only thing being actively manipulated. Basic logic and analytical ability has also suffered greatly.