ETH would be the best choice. Even though ETH is not currently a PoS coin, it soon will be! Vitalik (the founder of Ethereum) is integrating the PoS system in ETH which means that when it's implemented, you'll be able to receive interest just by holding your stack, something which is not possible with BTC. That will take a while of course, but if you start accumulating from now on, eventually you might have a pretty good stack to get some descent returns while being a validator in the Ethereum network. It might be a bit far off but that's the best suggestion if you're looking for a long-term investment and not a quick buck.
Can you provide the link of this?
If that will happen it's another huge step for ethereum platform and that will a big help for everyone that hodling eth and surely the price will rise as demand rises as many will get more interest to stake eth in their wallet.
I have some pos token like usd, eur, litecoin cash and bsh that came from airdrops and been staking in my desktop but I'm not sure if I'll get a good profit to these in exchange of my electric bill.