LOL bitcoin is used by maybe 0.5% of the globe, as opposed to visa who are used by around 60% of the globe, please give iup the delusion, bitcoin has breen built to fail, enjoy our hobby while you still can, by 2021 it will no longer exist maybe even sooner with more adoption :/
Why would it fail? The number of users only goes up? It's normal for such system to take time to adop, the important thing is that it's more and more used that's all! =)
hmm the fact bitcoin nodes no longer work from hdd's, and need expensive SSD's which have limited capacity then there is the size of the blockchain which grew 10 -15gb in the last 12 month alone, more adoption = more transactions which will equate to an exponentially bigger blockchain growth, it was built to fail, enjoy while you can, but pushing for more adoption will kill it quicker at the rate its going only centralised guberment data centers will be able to sustain the tech by 2021, and we will all be running multibit or brainwallets
The size of the blochain is an interesting problem... Maybe it can be cut in half or something like that no?
I don't know about the SSD's you're talking about though!