
Topic: What's your opinion of gun control? - page 119. (Read 450471 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
June 04, 2016, 10:23:48 AM

....    What does that mean? It means that a producer who resides in Colorado cannot legally buy a gun in Arizona unless that gun is shipped to an FFL in Colorado, whereby that FFL confirms that the Colorado resident can legally own that firearm.

So driven by their anti-Second Amendment agenda it looks like Couric and her team were willing to not only violate journalistic ethics but also federal law......

Next:  Couric's adventures in women's prison as personal bitch of the white supremicist gang leader.

Katie, get your gun lawyer.

By now you’ve probably heard about Katie Couric’s new anti-gun documentary “Under The Gun,” and how her producer doctored video of interviews with gun owners in order to make them look stupid and heartless. Couric’s producer and director, Stephanie Soechtig, admitted to doctoring the video, and Couric herself kinda sorta apologized for it.

But that’s not the worst thing that happened with the making of this documentary. It turns out that Couric’s production team deliberately conspired to violate federal gun laws. According to video obtained by Ammoland, a shooting sports news website, one of Couric’s producers deliberately committed at least four separate felonies by purchasing four separate firearms across state lines without a background check.

In the video, Soechtig openly admits that she directed one of her employees to purchase guns across state lines, and that he absolutely followed her orders:

The producer is in more trouble than couric I would think?

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
June 04, 2016, 08:17:03 AM

....    What does that mean? It means that a producer who resides in Colorado cannot legally buy a gun in Arizona unless that gun is shipped to an FFL in Colorado, whereby that FFL confirms that the Colorado resident can legally own that firearm.

So driven by their anti-Second Amendment agenda it looks like Couric and her team were willing to not only violate journalistic ethics but also federal law......

Next:  Couric's adventures in women's prison as personal bitch of the white supremicist gang leader.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
June 03, 2016, 07:06:00 PM

Katie Couric: On second thought, I can see why that highly deceptive edit in our gun-control movie might be misleading

Last week, when gun-rights advocates first cried foul, she sniffed that she was “very proud” of the film. Now, in a statement posted this morning, she’s claiming the edit bothered her too the first time she watched it. What happened?

Here’s a safe bet. So long as it was only activists on the right who were criticizing her, Couric and her team could shrug it off and refuse to address the edit. They’ll wear the attacks from “gun nuts” like a badge of honor, no matter how meritorious they are; it’s good PR for a movie about gun control. Once “respectable” media echoed the criticism, though, it risked undermining the moral authority of the film, which is the whole point of gun-control propaganda. A critique of the media-political class from the right isn’t credible until someone from the class itself validates it. The same dynamic explains why the New York Times’s story last week about the controversy ran under the headline, “Audio of Katie Couric Interview Shows Editing Slant in Gun Documentary, Site Claims.” There was no need for that last bit. The Times could have checked the work of Stephen Gutowski and the Washington Free Beacon in five minutes and declared as a matter of plain fact that the footage had been edited deceptively. They felt obliged to hedge by noting that this is merely what the Free Beacon “claims” only because the Beacon is a right-wing site and thus is presumed untrustworthy until someone not of the right has vouched for it.

    As Executive Producer of “Under the Gun,” a documentary film that explores the epidemic of gun violence, I take responsibility for a decision that misrepresented an exchange I had with members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL). My question to the VCDL regarding the ability of convicted felons and those on the terror watch list to legally obtain a gun, was followed by an extended pause, making the participants appear to be speechless.

    When I screened an early version of the film with the director, Stephanie Soechtig, I questioned her and the editor about the pause and was told that a “beat” was added for, as she described it, “dramatic effect,” to give the audience a moment to consider the question. When VCDL members recently pointed out that they had in fact immediately answered this question, I went back and reviewed it and agree that those eight seconds do not accurately represent their response.

    VCDL members have a right for their answers to be shared and so we have posted a transcript of their responses here. I regret that those eight seconds were misleading and that I did not raise my initial concerns more vigorously.

“Dramatic effect,” huh? I didn’t realize it until I read this Examiner post but it turns out other Couric productions have also allegedly used creative editing to falsely suggest that Katie stumped an interviewee who was on the wrong side of an issue. From an account of Couric’s 2004 production “Fed Up”:

    “I am told from others who have seen the film that a clip is shown in which I am asked a question about how one would ideally test whether sugar sweetened beverages contribute to obesity, and that I ask for a few moments to collect my thoughts; after showing me think for about 10 seconds, the camera cuts away before I give my answer,” says Allison, who hasn’t seen the film. “If this is the case, the film-makers’ behavior seems counter to thoughtful dialogue. To ask me a question and edit out the answer, and I did answer every question, shows a lack of interest in a discussion of the evidence.”

Precisely. The “stump the chump” edit is what you do when you want to make the subject look like an imbecile for opposing the conventional liberal position, not when you’re interested in a discussion. (That’s why “The Daily Show” loves it.) I was curious about Couric’s “dramatic pause” defense, though, so I asked Gutowski, who’s seen the entire film, whether the full exchange with the VCDL members appears at any point. After all, a “dramatic pause” between question and answer would involve extra time being added between the two to create the illusion that the question was difficult for the subject. If the answer is never shown, however, that’s not a pause. That’s a full redaction, implying that the subject was unable to answer the question at all. According to Gutowski, the film never returns to the exchange with the VCDL members to show their responses. Which means, even in damage-control mode, Couric’s being misleading about what the editors actually did and why.

Her best defense, frankly, may be that this is SOP by filmmakers who favor gun control when interviewing subjects who don’t. Via Becket Adams, here’s a few minutes of footage from the segment in “Under the Gun” that features the VCDL members. Note the bombastic operatic music at the beginning designed to mock their enjoyment of shooting at the range.

Couric’s ‘Under the Gun’ Producers May Have Broken the Law

First it was deceptive edits and now it looks like Katie Couric’s producers for “Under the Gun” may have broken gun laws. According to The Federalist’s Sean Davis it appears Couric’s  director Stephanie Soechtig admitted to violating federal law.

On Friday, Davis reported: “It turns out that Couric’s production team deliberately conspired to violate federal gun laws. According to video obtained by Ammoland, a shooting sports news website, one of Couric’s producers deliberately committed at least four separate felonies by purchasing four separate firearms across state lines without a background check.”

The video shows Soechtig scaring/telling her interviewer how easy it was for her producers to obtain a Bushmaster rifle: “We sent a producer out and he was from Colorado. He went to Arizona, and he was able to buy a Bushmaster and then three other pistols without a background check in a matter of four hours. And that’s perfectly legal. He wasn’t doing some sort of underground market....And he just met someone in the parking lot of Wendy’s and bought a Bushmaster. Legally. Like, this is legal.”

But as Davis reported, in his June 3 blog, that process was anything but legal:

    Except it’s not legal. Like, it’s illegal. Super duper illegal. Quadruple illegal in the case of the Soechtig employee who purchased four firearms across state lines without processing the sale through a federal firearms licensee (FFL) in his home state of Colorado.

    Federal law is abundantly clear on what types of transactions require federal background checks. Gun owners tend to understand these laws incredibly well. Gun controllers like Soechtig do not. Under federal law, all gun purchases from an FFL must be accompanied by a federal background check. It doesn’t matter if the FFL sells a gun at a retail location, at a gun show, or out of the back of a car in a Wendy’s parking lot. All FFL transactions require a federal background check. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from: if you buy a gun from an FFL, the FFL must confirm that you have passed a federal background check.

    Next we have interstate purchases, all of which must be conducted through an FFL in the buyer’s home state. It is illegal to purchase a gun across state lines unless the transaction is processed through an FFL in the buyer’s home state. And what did we just learn about all FFL purchases? That they require federal background checks. Ergo, all interstate purchases must be accompanied by federal background checks.

    What does that mean? It means that a producer who resides in Colorado cannot legally buy a gun in Arizona unless that gun is shipped to an FFL in Colorado, whereby that FFL confirms that the Colorado resident can legally own that firearm.

So driven by their anti-Second Amendment agenda it looks like Couric and her team were willing to not only violate journalistic ethics but also federal law.

Of course, this isn’t the first time a journalist blatantly violated the law to make an anti-gun point. NewsBusters readers will remember Couric's former NBC colleague and fired Meet the Press host David Gregory got into legal hot water back in 2012.

Katie Couric's Under the Gun Director, Stephanie Soechtig, Confesses to Federal Gun Crimes

Obviously some gun control judge will forgive them. Don't forget: they are above the very laws they try hard to dismantle...

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
June 03, 2016, 01:09:32 PM
its a very nice idea but i think it is not possible because the hands beside the gun spreading is a  question mark. i think it is very difficult to control the gun spreading.

Gun spreading is free speech spreading...

However, give the protesting-against-Trump rioters guns, and we really will have to have martial law.

Not likely to happen. Nobody will give them guns, and they live on welfare, so don't worry.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
June 03, 2016, 10:24:09 AM
its a very nice idea but i think it is not possible because the hands beside the gun spreading is a  question mark. i think it is very difficult to control the gun spreading.

Gun spreading is free speech spreading...

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
June 03, 2016, 07:12:29 AM
its a very nice idea but i think it is not possible because the hands beside the gun spreading is a  question mark. i think it is very difficult to control the gun spreading.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
June 02, 2016, 12:04:34 PM

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I think that for world peas we should ban all guns above certain size.

Guns kill, and big guns kill big.

But peoplez need protection from bad peoplez.

Peoplez after rigorous licenz and fees paid should be given right to gun of modest size and killing force.

Oinkly trained soldiers polize should carry guns.

You SO STUPID!  This no good.  NO GOOD!   You regulat all people get killed nedd guns to protect.  You take them AWAY!  You take away THIS!

NO GOOD I SAY!  LEAVE US our guns alone.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I think that for world peas we should ban all guns above certain size.

Guns kill, and big guns kill big.

But peoplez need protection from bad peoplez.

Peoplez after rigorous licenz and fees paid should be given right to gun of modest size and killing force.

Oinkly trained soldiers polize should carry guns.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Katie Couric: On second thought, I can see why that highly deceptive edit in our gun-control movie might be misleading

Last week, when gun-rights advocates first cried foul, she sniffed that she was “very proud” of the film. Now, in a statement posted this morning, she’s claiming the edit bothered her too the first time she watched it. What happened?

Here’s a safe bet. So long as it was only activists on the right who were criticizing her, Couric and her team could shrug it off and refuse to address the edit. They’ll wear the attacks from “gun nuts” like a badge of honor, no matter how meritorious they are; it’s good PR for a movie about gun control. Once “respectable” media echoed the criticism, though, it risked undermining the moral authority of the film, which is the whole point of gun-control propaganda. A critique of the media-political class from the right isn’t credible until someone from the class itself validates it. The same dynamic explains why the New York Times’s story last week about the controversy ran under the headline, “Audio of Katie Couric Interview Shows Editing Slant in Gun Documentary, Site Claims.” There was no need for that last bit. The Times could have checked the work of Stephen Gutowski and the Washington Free Beacon in five minutes and declared as a matter of plain fact that the footage had been edited deceptively. They felt obliged to hedge by noting that this is merely what the Free Beacon “claims” only because the Beacon is a right-wing site and thus is presumed untrustworthy until someone not of the right has vouched for it.

    As Executive Producer of “Under the Gun,” a documentary film that explores the epidemic of gun violence, I take responsibility for a decision that misrepresented an exchange I had with members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL). My question to the VCDL regarding the ability of convicted felons and those on the terror watch list to legally obtain a gun, was followed by an extended pause, making the participants appear to be speechless.

    When I screened an early version of the film with the director, Stephanie Soechtig, I questioned her and the editor about the pause and was told that a “beat” was added for, as she described it, “dramatic effect,” to give the audience a moment to consider the question. When VCDL members recently pointed out that they had in fact immediately answered this question, I went back and reviewed it and agree that those eight seconds do not accurately represent their response.

    VCDL members have a right for their answers to be shared and so we have posted a transcript of their responses here. I regret that those eight seconds were misleading and that I did not raise my initial concerns more vigorously.

“Dramatic effect,” huh? I didn’t realize it until I read this Examiner post but it turns out other Couric productions have also allegedly used creative editing to falsely suggest that Katie stumped an interviewee who was on the wrong side of an issue. From an account of Couric’s 2004 production “Fed Up”:

    “I am told from others who have seen the film that a clip is shown in which I am asked a question about how one would ideally test whether sugar sweetened beverages contribute to obesity, and that I ask for a few moments to collect my thoughts; after showing me think for about 10 seconds, the camera cuts away before I give my answer,” says Allison, who hasn’t seen the film. “If this is the case, the film-makers’ behavior seems counter to thoughtful dialogue. To ask me a question and edit out the answer, and I did answer every question, shows a lack of interest in a discussion of the evidence.”

Precisely. The “stump the chump” edit is what you do when you want to make the subject look like an imbecile for opposing the conventional liberal position, not when you’re interested in a discussion. (That’s why “The Daily Show” loves it.) I was curious about Couric’s “dramatic pause” defense, though, so I asked Gutowski, who’s seen the entire film, whether the full exchange with the VCDL members appears at any point. After all, a “dramatic pause” between question and answer would involve extra time being added between the two to create the illusion that the question was difficult for the subject. If the answer is never shown, however, that’s not a pause. That’s a full redaction, implying that the subject was unable to answer the question at all. According to Gutowski, the film never returns to the exchange with the VCDL members to show their responses. Which means, even in damage-control mode, Couric’s being misleading about what the editors actually did and why.

Her best defense, frankly, may be that this is SOP by filmmakers who favor gun control when interviewing subjects who don’t. Via Becket Adams, here’s a few minutes of footage from the segment in “Under the Gun” that features the VCDL members. Note the bombastic operatic music at the beginning designed to mock their enjoyment of shooting at the range.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

....What may be a little bit surprising is the number of situations where the people on scene subdue or shoot the attacker themselves. That’s what happened in nearly 40 percent of all the incidents that were resolved before the police arrived.

The PTB only want publicized the NEWS that puts them at the top of the hill.

And the lone individual who handles such a problem CAN NEVER be made to look a hero.

Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy

This is what is touted by the Police Executive Research Forum (bolded for emphasis)...  Angry Roll Eyes

These new policies undoubtedly have saved many lives. Following is how the Associated Press described one of the most recent events, an attack at a supermarket in Elkhart, Indiana on Jan. 15, 2014:
A deadly shooting at an Indiana grocery store could have been much worse if not for the quick actions of two police officers who relied on training that has become commonplace since the 1999 Columbine shootings. Cody Skipper and Jason Tripp arrived at the Elkhart store within three minutes and needed less than 60 seconds to fatally shoot a gunman who had killed two people and was threatening a third.

Thankfully they don't seem to be gun control revisionist historians (I'm copying and pasting as I read this for the first time).

Quote from: ibid.
What may be a little bit surprising is the number of situations where the people on scene subdue or shoot the attacker themselves. That’s what happened in nearly 40 percent of all the incidents that were resolved before the police arrived.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
I have dealt with some true psychos raged in traffic and rather not have them armed to the teeth.

They already are armed with all the weaponry they can afford.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
★YoBit.Net★ 350+ Coins Exchange & Dice
Guns should be banned forever. It should be implemented asap

Who would you trust with a gun to protect you and your family forever?  Your government?  The police?  The military?

Police can't protect you.  When seconds count the police are only minutes away.  They will get there just in time to fill out the crime scene report.
Unfortunately, I'm hearing more frequently "an hour."

They do not even show up these days but if you look at them funny they sure do turn the car around to drive by slow.
We had a kid die because a cop shot herself in the foot and the other cops thought the kid shot her and they laid him out.
Getting close to a year and they are still waiting the public out to let them know the truth.

The gun control aspect tears me down the line,as I have dealt with some true psychos raged in traffic and rather not have them armed to the teeth. But I also do not trust government and they seem to be after said guns for a reason that does not feel right to me.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
I agree with the system control the use of weapons. it will make our lives as civilians become calmer. let them law enforcement officers who use weapons. we should be against the law and show that every citizen lives with safe and secure.

In spite of the government refusing to prosecute every last one of LEOs' crimes, more LEOs per capita are STILL convicted of crimes than civilians with guns are, so fuck your criminal safety BS.

But, but, but...

If you get enough unarmed good people together, they can take out a bad person who has a gun, simply by overwhelming him, even though many of them die in the process. After all, the bad guy is going to run out of ammo sometime.


Gun control, the more innocent bloodshed, the better!
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I agree with the system control the use of weapons. it will make our lives as civilians become calmer. let them law enforcement officers who use weapons. we should be against the law and show that every citizen lives with safe and secure.

In spite of the government refusing to prosecute every last one of LEOs' crimes, more LEOs per capita are STILL convicted of crimes than civilians with guns are, so fuck your criminal safety BS.

But, but, but...

If you get enough unarmed good people together, they can take out a bad person who has a gun, simply by overwhelming him, even though many of them die in the process. After all, the bad guy is going to run out of ammo sometime.

Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
I agree with the system control the use of weapons. it will make our lives as civilians become calmer. let them law enforcement officers who use weapons. we should be against the law and show that every citizen lives with safe and secure.

In spite of the government refusing to prosecute every last one of LEOs' crimes, more LEOs per capita are STILL convicted of crimes than civilians with guns are, so fuck your criminal safety BS.
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1001
I agree with the system control the use of weapons. it will make our lives as civilians become calmer. let them law enforcement officers who use weapons. we should be against the law and show that every citizen lives with safe and secure.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
guns are made for only one purpose and that purpose is to kill either human or animal.if we want to make our world peaceful again we should ban guns.

^ Criminal safety propagandist BULLSHIT. If they were, then all GSWs would be instantly fatal with or without advanced medical care. Instead, most are survivable, and in a lot of cases, not requiring any advanced medical care at all!

Peaceful for only violent criminals, who require the most effective tool for self-defense, that equalizes the weakest innocent in society to the strongest evil, to be banned for their job safety!
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
guns are made for only one purpose and that purpose is to kill either human or animal.if we want to make our world peaceful again we should ban guns.

^ Criminal safety propagandist BULLSHIT. If they were, then all GSWs would be instantly fatal with or without advanced medical care. Instead, most are survivable, and in a lot of cases, not requiring any advanced medical care at all!

Peaceful for only violent criminals, who require the most effective tool for self-defense, that equalizes the weakest innocent in society to the strongest evil, to be banned for their job safety!
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