It was stated that gang violence and homicides are excluded else the US would have like 100-150 k deaths per year through gun violence alone.
Btw. Im actually for having guns but even more for tight enough gun controls that no wrong people get it. Also i believe strongly that there is no need to have "war making" weapons legal. (Semi to full automatic weapons)
Go hunting and on shooting tournaments all you want i just dont want to see ppl with g36 or uzis running around on the street thanks.
Stated by whom? I would love to see you back up that bullshit number. Either you aren't bothering to look very hard or you don't have a clue how statistics work and are just repeating what some gun control freak said. I have produced statistics to back up my arguments, now you give it a try, but I know you won't because you can't, because those numbers are a fabrication.
The right to bear arms is NOT about hunting and target shooting, it is about having the people be armed so that the government can be prevented from turning completely tyrannical, and preserving the individual's right to self defense. All the gang violence in the world can't match the death and suffering created by an unchecked tyrannical government. It would be great if we could keep the "wrong" people from getting guns, but that is just a fantasy like the tooth fairy, and indulging that fantasy will cost MORE LIVES. Just because it is a positive concept does not mean it is viable to be implemented in REALITY. There are so many holes in your logic it is not even funny, but that is a common theme with gun control freaks who are motivated wholly by emotions and just skip over the inconvenient logic part required to actually attain those goals.
1. Collect underpants
2. ? ? ?
3. Profit
You cry and cry about #3 but never have a viable plan for #2.