Use of guns in self-defense and self-determination (suicide) are both human rights, and not a problem for anyone but an aggressor. Remove those from the statistics and suddenly you find out that countless more numbers of people die every year because they were {il}legally disarmed for violent criminals' safety.
Look at South Korea, Japan, and other countries with extremely strict gun laws, they don't experience mass killings like our lovely gun slanging Cowboys here.
That's not the cause of gun control law, it's the cause of cultural homogeny. America is, shall we say, much more 'multicultural' than Japan or South Korea is, which leads to a greater amount of violence as these cultures, naturally, do not get along (and some are just plain more violent than others, I'm sure I don't need to mention which ones specifically, just look at the crime rates between each of these cultures.) Take that out of the equation, make America as monocultural as Japan and South Korea is, and you'll notice the crime rate plummet, which includes the rate of mass killings. Only true difference between these nations (Japan, SK, China, NK) is that their mass killings occur usually with stabbings, what I presume is the 2nd best thing next to guns to injure others. So clearly the issue does not rest with guns, even in these societies where everyone ought to get along with so much in common, they still fail to. So I guess if you really would rather be stabbed to death than shot, banning guns might help you out, but I sincerely feel the distinction is minute. That's not to mention the power shift between those allowed to have guns--usually only those in the oligarchy--and those regular folks who have no sway over what is and is not acceptable for gun ownership. If you feel this won't be abused for the decider's benefit, it is due to your naiveté towards power games.
And then there's the fact that, in the case of someone overpowering me to stab me (rather than shooting me), I am at a severe disadvantage since I'm not as strong as most people, and this is the case for many. Firearms heavily level the playing field here.
Further, Europe has far more stricter gun laws in general than America does, and yet has mass killings on par with, if not greater than, America. Also notice that Europe is also multicultural. I hope the pattern is becoming clear to you.
It's identical to computer control, to limit who can have access to a computer and who can't, to prevent hackers from hacking and to prevent pedophiles from sharing CP etc. Is the computer the problem? No, it just facilitates action, it is neutral. I can make this argument for just about anything. What about encryption control? What if some bad guys use encryption to hide their plots? The harm in banning or controlling such far outweighs the benefit. And hackers would still get their computers, and encryption is simple enough to do on your own anyway so that'd be hilarious to attempt to control.
Let's say that you have never used a computer in your life. You feel that life is perfectly fine without computers. You notice that computers are often used to do terrible things, and have been used to ruin many people's lives daily. The odds of you supporting computer control skyrocket. However, because--chances are--you do use computers regularly, you would feel personally infringed upon to have this right to computers tampered with. You are far less likely to support such "Orwellian" measures, because you would personally feel the negative effects of that control. What right does the government have to tell me whether I can use my PC, my laptop, my smart phone, my gaming console? And I can guarantee you, if you tried using firearms, if you got comfortable with their presence, if you learned how to personally control them, you would not project your own feelings of being out-of-control with firearms onto a political agenda. You feel the need for others to control firearms because you do not feel you have any control of them, and that makes them very scary. You should learn how to use guns, your mind will change very quickly.