We dont just feel safer, we live safer (if you ignore the latest muslim stuff ).
The same is true in the U.S. especially if you remove gang shootings in our largest cities (yes, Shitcago. I'm talking about you).
Very few crimes are committed by legal gun owners and almost no crimes are committed by concealed carry license holders (most of us are investigated, trained, and tested for proficiency before being issued our licenses).
I strongly doubt you can compare muslim terror in europe with gang criminality in the US.
Fundamentally they seem quite similar to me. Both groups have seem to have known environments which are more basic and violent.
Re legal guns:
That is my biggest problem with us gun law though.
It is easy for criminals to get weapons because they can just buy it in the public often without background checks.
That doesnt work in europe.
If some group who would be interested in, say,
population replacement decides to arm the 'immigrants' with firearms, Euro-land is finished. Or at least it is fair to say that one chapter is over and a new and very different one begins. The Switzers (using Machiavelli's name for them) may have a chance. Also the Eastern block who've had hard times more recently than the 'Western Democracies' and thus have not become as philosophically malleable.
But of course there has never been a situation where a leadership class engineers a more manageable pleb class, and it's never been the case that an outside group arms a segment of a population to achieve a goal, so I'm sure that EU-land has nothing to worry about. After all they are a bunch of cultured white people who are favored by any conceivable powers that be. Also it is certainly the case that the migrant class from the Middle-East and Africa will happily support the legacy lighter-colored and Christian-influenced oldsters with dignity and shower them with all the support they need as they hobble toward the mortal coil.