- a membership from a shooting range
- you need to be active in the shooting range (at least a dozen times a year)
- you need to take an exam every 5 years
- you need to pay extra tax every 5 years
- your doctor needs to sign a weaver that you are capable of owning a gun
- you need a special cage to store your gun
- you need a signature of every person over 18 years old, living in your house
- certain calibers are just illegal, no normal civillian can own them... Period (it's pretty hard to own a firearm other than caliber 6 and 9 mm)
- the amount of ammunition you can own is limited (i think you can have 10.000 cartridges as a private citizen)
So it's basically almost impossible to own a gun legally (many people own guns illegally tough). However, gun related deaths are pretty low.
EDIT: even after all these thing, the government can change gun controll laws whenever they want. If you stop complying to the new laws, you have to turn in your firearm with the police for free, even when you bought it legally... (this actually happened on two occasions the last couple of years)
I personally dont like the idea of owning a gun illegaly unless if you could comply this law .Some of the reason why people buy gun because of security purposes which they are force to buy it.I think the government must provide security to its citizen of the society so that it will lessen owning illegal gun and less shooting incident would happen.