Guns are made for one purpose, and that purpose is to kill.
I believe that guns are not weapons, they are tools. How they are used is up to the person holding it.
Guns are especially dangerous in the hands of people who don't know how to use them (i.e., kids and teenagers) as well as those who are mentally ill and/or have a temper problem.
Gun control will not stop violence because a violent person doesn’t need a gun to be violent.
After the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, support for gun control increased dramatically.
Generally in America, the support for gun control has outweighed the support for gun rights.
Are gun control laws constitutional?
What would be your ideal set of laws regarding firearms?
A gun is a tool for war. It has no use in a civil society beyond policing.
Gun control may not stop a violent person being violent but it will top that person from using a gun to kill others. Sure they can use a knife but its much easier to point a gun, pull the trigger, point it at the next person, pull the trigger and so on..
Ideal set of laws for my country would be what I stated above.
Ideal set of laws for the USA would be different. I realize that you're not going to take peoples guns away but one can start denying certain individuals guns, such as those that are mentally ill.
America is a prime example of what you have with armed citizens.
People are dumb and nuts, some fuckwads shot at an old lady in Texas because she didn't go through a stop sign quickly enough for them. I suppose they were laughing and thought they were cool. What they did was kill a toddler in the back seat. really cool, hope they got where they were going and on time. This is what happens with an armed citizenry.