...the US deserves every single mass shootings they had and will have.
Did you notice that almost every mass shooting occurs in a "Gun Free Zone"?
Those who want to shoot others don't really want their intended victims to shoot back.
And you think it would help that every crazy person can get a weapon without problems?
And if you are white and dont look like a wannabe crip member you will get a weapon without ID too....
Atleast do some checks and centralize the laws about gun ownership.
Yes. It would help. Here's how and why.
If the crazy people got guns and started hurting other people, the rest of the people would get guns and get rid of the crazy people. Then there wouldn't be any expense for the rest of us, because the asylums would be empty.
If a family had members who were crazy, and they loved their crazy members, they would make sure their crazies didn't get a hold of guns.
The problem with everyone walking around with guns is, we aren't used to it... like in the days of the old West. We would have to get used to it again. Widespread guns, carried in the open, would breed respect among everyone. Things like racism would disappear. The gun would make everyone equal. Why? The expense would be too great to pick on someone with a gun, without thinking about what you were doing ahead of time.
I do not understand why someone should be interested in the question I have weapons or not. It's my choice and my personal right. If you are afraid of what I will use it against you prove it. Your thoughts are not interesting to me.
In a society of people, certain rules regarding public activity are necessary.
If you are in your own house, on your own land, you can do anything you want. You can shoot your guns like crazy, if you want... as long as the bullets do not go beyond your property line.
When you are in public, keep that gun holstered, unless there is dire need to unholster it, or unless you are making a trade or showing it off.
There are those who will not follow the rules regarding carrying a gun in public. That is why everyone needs to have a gun in public... to protect himself/herself (and their kids) from the crooks who don't willingly obey the gun rules in public. And crooks there will be.
As has been said, when seconds count, police are minutes away.