I also agree, gambling isn't for those that are underpaid and i can say this because I've had some rough experiences in the past due to the fact that I was losing the little money I was working had to get. Low income earners are the ones that end up In debt, they are the ones that are easily enticed by casino or gambling adverts because they are just trying to find a way to make easy money by any means. People who are retired also deal with gambling addiction just like you said, these category of people can get addicted to the game easily because they don't have anything doing to keep themselves busy.
We shouldn't use anything to justify the fact that we allow ourselves or any gambler to allow themselves to get addicted to gambling; even if you are a low-income earner, having in mind that you can make more money from gambling, risking the little you earn is your greed speaking for you and not you thinking straight.
We all have the desire to make more money; every action we take in pursuit of that money, we should take full responsibility for it and not blame low income or being retired.
Someone who earns little from his or her job can either stay away from gambling or they can spare that little money they see as something they can use for buying things that are not necessary, like a bottle of beer to gamble, and still not get their budget affected. Anything they get to overspend from their earnings for gambling is as a result of them losing control and looking for a fast means to escape poverty, which we all know where such ends.