I know several threads have been made in this regards with most of them moribund. I created this post because I feel so bad regarding what happened in my country. As you can see in this post and the video in it, the state government demolished an entire estate with several buildings and properties inside. This is peoples investment that just got destroyed. This was a property approved by previous administration but demolished by new government...another risk many people do not put into consideration in real estate and some other physical investments. This is a confirmation that Bitcoin is safer and better than many conventional investment portfolios.
Anyone still doubting the freedom, comfort and peace that Bitcoin offers is probably yet to embrace reality.
Do not be too fast to talk trash about your government, if roads are meant to be build on that land then it's illegal, we are currently facing this problem in my street, some crazy people bought land and built houses on it and those spaces are meant for drainage and now we are facing issues when there is rain, there is no space for dirt water to flow by, I am just waiting for the government to come to the rescue and start demolishing those houses.
People are just so greedy, those lands are sold to them for cheap price and they don't consider that they are taking a big risk building the houses where as it's left for main road and water drainage, so I have nothing much to say about the link you drop, I know how people behaves when it comes to properties and building houses.