So... how come everyone is ignoring the 51% attack issue?
Not a single refutation for it yet, I reraised it in an earlier post and that was ignored.
The endless printing of money is the fuel they need to bribe politicians and to enslave most of humanity by providing them jobs that require them to spent most of their time at a job they hate, being controlled by a manager they don't like. The 1% easily controls pretty much everyone because when you own pretty much all corporations, you control pretty much everyone.
Simple math shows that its more like 0.001%. Cronyism is a huge problem, and its nice that we got over the stupid "hurr hurr the top 10% of income earners are ALL EVILLLLL!L!!L" but replacing that 10% rhetoric drek with 1% is not better. It isn't how much wealth you have its how you get it. Some get it via being a creator who makes something people want. Others get it by being parasites associated with a government. Those parasitic robbber barons who are getting fat on the blood they suck from the common man via taxation and redistribution are the ones who invented and spout that rhetoric about the so called "1%" and their so called "punish the rich" schemes are actually "suck more blood of the middle class to make us even richer."
To make Bitcoin illegal, USA need to bomb some of their civilians again. message tv and say that terract was paid with bitcoin and we cant track who did it, that is all. thats is the way for big countries to achieve what they want..
Please tell me you aren't referring to the nonsense 9-11 conspiracy theory that the USA was behind the bombing of the twin towers?