When chain analysis would be illegal then those companies won't exists. Simple as that.
They don't. In Europe. Simple as that.
Or, if they do, they would have to operate under the jurisdiction and according to the rules of European GDPR right, which would be very difficult indeed, to say the least. I.e., they would have to ascertain anonymization of all processed data etc., which ist (IMHO) practically impossible, but in theory doable.
That those companies operate outside of Europe is trivial, otoh.
Or do you believe for a second that every single country in the world would e.g. respect U.S. law?
In other words, from the point of view of the European Union, when it comes to chainalysis, the US is basically part of the "Axis of Evil".
And its not in any aspect self defense to mix his coins to protect oneself from a crime.
It is. I've proven it. If you don't understand the proof, just ask.
I fully understand that you as a (likely) Non-EU-citizen may not be familiar with the jurisdiction of the largest economic superpower in the world, and I forgive you
And basically nobody cares what you personally think is illegal or not
This is not a matter of "who thinks what".
It's a simple fact.
You can look it up in a specific public legal document, which is available in English under
https://gdpr-info.euofficially published by the (AFAIK) largest legal entity in the world.
Don't trust me, trust the largest body of lawyers in the world.
So you want to protect every criminal
The belief that Coin Mixing would protect criminals is ridiculous.
The opposite is true.
Right now, using a Mixer usually raises a large, red flag, screaming loudly "look at me, I'm possibly doing something fishy".
That's why I don't believe for a second that any professional criminal would be stupid enough to use a mixer.
That's what they have organized crime in the form of so-called "Banks" for.
Mixers, when used by criminals, are most likely used by kids.
But that's a different story.
Again. As a European citizen, I do not only have the right to use a mixer, I consider it a duty.
Chainalysis, otoh, is absolutely illegal if put to use against a EU citizen.
Which makes every single company which perpetrates the criminal act of chainalysis a part of organized crime.
And that fact is proven by the biggest body of lawyers in the world, underwritten in the legal documents of the largest economic superpower in the world.
Now face it, mere mortal, bow to the superiority of European law