Atheists do not believe god and religion believe god So they hate religion.
I also do not believe in the tooth fairy, santa claus, unicorns, and pokemon... does that mean I hate all those too?
How do you hate something you do not believe exists?
Atheists know God/god exists. They know it because they set themselves up as gods by simply suggesting that God doesn't exists when they know that they don't know for sure that He doesn't.
say what??!? where did you come up with that pearl of wisdom?
i also simply suggest the easter bunny doesnt exist, does that set me up to be god too?
Okay. Now, watch.
First off, atheists are not stupid, are they? I mean, all you need to do is look at some of the things that they say, and how some of them are scientists, to see that they are not stupid.
Second, if anyone simply believed that there was no God in the face of not being able to prove that there was no God, that would be bad enough. But in the case of God, nature shows by the fact of its existence that there must be a God. How and why? Because all of nature acts like machinery, and machinery needs a maker to exist. Simple as that.
Third, science has proven that God exists. When you combine the science of cause and effect, with the commonly understood science of a complex universe, and universal entropy, the result has to be that God exists. If God didn't exist, at least one of these three could not exist. Since they all exist, God has to exist. Think it through.
Everything operates by cause and effect. We have thousands of scientific operations that we know happen because something or some group of things causes them to happen. We have found nothing that we know operates by pure spontaneous random chance happenstance.
Complexity in the universe is common knowledge. If there were not great complexity in the universe, we would have scientifically figured out how to live for a thousand years, long ago. The universe is so complex that we don't have a clue how to make ourselves live for a thousand years, even though we have been working at finding out for a long time.
Entropy says that the universe had a beginning. If it didn't, everything would have dispersed and diffused into simplicity long ago.
Put it together. Something caused the universe to begin. In the face of the all-pervading entropy that followed, this "Something" used cause and effect to make intelligence after countless cause and effect actions over thousands of years so that we have the intelligence of mankind today. And even our great intelligence has not been able to figure the cause and effect universe out it is so complex.
The definition that we have for this "Something" is "God." God is highly intelligent, and fully capable way beyond understanding.
Fourth, atheists know this. Perhaps your standard, everyday-on-the-street atheist hasn't more than glimpsed this. But the scientific atheists know it easily. That's why they are so desperately looking for some spontaneous, pure random happening... so that they can say that there is something other than cause and effect in existence.
The scientist atheists know that God exists. When they attempt to set themselves above Him by saying that He doesn't exist, they are setting themselves up as gods. Atheism is a self-contradictory ideology, and because of the way it exists, it is a religion.
Now, if you don't read this through and think about it, why answer? Your answer will only be based on meaninglessness.