I also do not believe in the tooth fairy, santa claus, unicorns, and pokemon... does that mean I hate all those too?
How do you hate something you do not believe exists?
Atheists know God/god exists. They know it because they set themselves up as gods by simply suggesting that God doesn't exists when they know that they don't know for sure that He doesn't.
say what??!? where did you come up with that pearl of wisdom?
i also simply suggest the easter bunny doesnt exist, does that set me up to be god too?
Okay. Now, watch.
The scientist atheists know that God exists. When they attempt to set themselves above Him by saying that He doesn't exist, they are setting themselves up as gods. Atheism is a self-contradictory ideology, and because of the way it exists, it is a religion.
Now, if you don't read this through and think about it, why answer? Your answer will only be based on meaninglessness.
speaking of meaninglessness....
my goodness, what a load of bollocks
That's one of the major reasons scientists are looking for spontaneous evolution and spontaneous whatever else. It isn't only because they are interested in anything and everything. The real reason is that they are trying as hard as they can to prove that God doesn't exist. The have ignored Him completely within themselves. Now they are looking for the proof they need to make their ignoring absolute.
The funny thing is, that since they haven't been able to find any proof against God, they are starting to say that their theories are truth when everybody (including they themselves) knows that theories are not fact until they can be proven to be fact.
There is no 'scientific proof of God', so what is there to disprove? If someone designed a replicable experiment which proved gods existence, may then someone might attempt to test that proof -- as all scientific experiments are. Until then, there's no reason to 'prove God doesn't exist' so AFAIk no one is even trying to.
The whole universe is an ongoing scientific experiment to the open-minded scientist. There is unlimited proof that God exists, except of course, if there is a limit to the universe.