*snip* tldr
God loves you. That's why you and most people won't live more than about 100 years. God doesn't want you to have to live in the pain and problems.
The thing that God is trying to do with all of us is to get us to do good. The best good we can do is to believe in His salvation that He has prepared for us in Jesus, His Son. The next is to teach others about this same salvation. The third is to do literal good to people in this life.
Accepting life and religion the way God has prepared it for us, will bring us into the New Heavens and the New Earth, a life with God in joy and glory and love and peace and righteousness, forever.
Am I being pessimistic when I say that I expect that you will remain in your religion of "anti-religionism?"
Tell my one good deed that i cant do because i dont believe all your superstitious bible nonsense.
i ABSOLUTLY agree with your 3rd point "do literal good to people in this life".
but why do i need to believe in your magic imaginary sky fairy to accomplish this?
Atheists can and do indeed do all the good things a believer can do, they just dont dont need to get approval from
a non existant mythical god.
Okay. So you don't understand that science and nature have proven that God exists, and you are unwilling to look at the evidence for this fact.
Perhaps you absolutely COULD look at the evidence and understand for yourself that God exists. This is one good work you are not doing.
The most important good work that you can't do by not believing is, you can't set yourself into position whereby you will obtain eternal life. This is the best good work that anyone can do. And why should I explain why? Waste my time.
Sometimes I laugh at people like you who cling to ancient beliefs in gods in the hopes of some after life
in some utopian garden of eden heaven fairy tale.
or whatever it is that religion does to float your boat. But then it makes me sad. Why? Why do people
believe in this absurd silliness?
It really baffles me that in this day and age of modern science that perfectly intelligent people who will
profess to obviously not believe in fairys and lepracauns, unicorns and Santa Claus and the easter bunny
but still believe in rising from the dead, immaculate conception, talking snakes and bushes flying horses, noahs arc, adam and eve and other bible nonsense.
Hey, man. It is acceptable that you don't accept eternal life. And since you have set yourself into your way of not allowing yourself to be shown the "stuff" regarding salvation, I guess it won't be until the resurrection and the judgment that you will find out.
However, I commend you for taking the time to be mirthful. If you don't change and understand that God exists, and then believe what He tells you in religion, you need to get all the joy you can while you live here, because that will be it for you and joy.
Hey tell me where is this Heaven anyway? What do people do in heaven? Do they have jobs? drive cars?
live in a house? Hey are there churches in heaven? Are you allowed to drink in heaven?
I mean if you are there for eternity it seems to me you need to do something besides praying all day long.
Perhaps you are blind. But if you are not, look up at the sky at night and see part of the heavens of this universe. The Heaven of Heavens is much more glorious than this.
Dude, let it go man. Stop deluding yourself.
belief without valid reason is valid reason not to believe.
Come and see the proof that God exists. Combine cause and effect with complexity with entropy and see that the way these work in our universe prove that God exists.
In addition, all our machinery comes from the big machine that is the universe... which machine is way beyond anything that we presently understand, and certainly beyond what we can make. Our machines are made by some person or groups of people. But machine universe is made by God.
"The most curious social convention of the great age in which we live is the one to the effect that religious opinions should be respected."
-- H L Mencken, in American Mercury (March, 1930)
"For ages, a deadly conflict has been waged between a few brave men and women of thought and genius upon the one side, and the great ignorant
religious mass on the other. This is the war between Science and Faith. The few have appealed to reason, to honor, to law, to freedom, to the known,
and to happiness here in this world. The many have appealed to prejudice, to fear, to miracle, to slavery, to the unknown, and to misery hereafter.
The few have said, "Think!" The many have said, "Believe!"
Robert Ingersoll
If believing in God was a form of blind faith, perhaps theists would be some of the most pathetic people around. But since God is proven in many ways in heart and soul, in addition to the ones I mentioned above, faith turns out to be believing in what God has told us rather than in His existence. Thus, faith is not blind faith.
Wake up while you still have time.