That is not true, cause and effect does not remove freedom of choice. The fact that the sun rises and sets does not preclude you from getting up or staying in bed. Cause and effect influences choice it does not dictate it.
I don't exactly disagree with you.
In science and observation of workings of everything that we see in the universe, we observe nothing other than cause and effect, action and reaction.
Your getting up or staying in bed is dictated by things like the many neuron firings in your brain which cause you to make the decision the way you do. The neuron firings are determined to some extent by the electrolytes in your system. The electrolytes are determined by what you ate or drank the night before. The things you ate or drank were determined both by availability and by the electrolyte-neuron-induced-firing of the night before. The food composition of the food you ate and the drink you drank were determined by many factors in nature and manufacturing, all of which were determined by many other factors.
This listing is, obviously, by no means complete. Nor is it the exact way things work. There are way too many factors that control the way we think, or that move us into making decisions, to be known or listed. However, whatever the factors are, in number or quality, they are the things that move us into making every decision that we make.
The fact that we get up in the morning at the same time or in the same manner every day, is all part of the programming that has been placed into the universe, each little cause and effect, action and reaction, combining into the production of the things that we see and do.
Suppose that it takes 100 workers to build a specific skyscraper. If we lost a worker or two, the slack would be taken up by others, or replacements would be found. If we had a couple too many workers, the jobs of some might become easier, or the extras would be pulled off the job. The building would wind up being built, the end result being just the same as it would have been with more or with fewer workers. But the way it would be built would be slightly different with more or fewer workers. If there were too few workers, the building might not be built in a timely manner, the contractor might lose his contract and get sued, and maybe the building wouldn't get built at all.
The workers in the building called "your choices" are the electrons that make up the neuron firing in your brain. If there are more, you might get up with more enthusiasm. If there are too few, you might not get up at all. The reasons for the existence of more or fewer are based on many things, which act the way they do based on other things, which act the way they do based on other things. There is no visible freedom of choice. All is programmed, going back to the Beginning.