I will admit, I think compassion, patience, and understanding is always the noblest course of action on both sides. It's easy to become jaded and frustrated at each other, but Carl Sagan said it best:On the other hand, when I'm under attack by theists for valiantly attempting to liberate their minds from the shackles of superstition, I often find myself feeling this:Intelligent design does not require emotion or benevolence (...)
I'm sorry, are you disputing the God claims of the Holy Bible? Because the Bible claims that God loves everyone deeply, and wants to save our immortal souls. That's basic shit.
But what scientific evidence suggests does not say anything about God one way or the other.
A fair statement would be: There is equal evidence to support the existence of the God of the Holy Bible, as there is to support the existence of Allah, Yahweh, Zues, Gaia, Thor, Obi-Wan Kenobi's blue ghost, Jenova, Jibbers Crabst, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Given that knowledge, I suppose my question for Christians becomes:
Why did you choose Christianity over all the other (more interesting)
options out there? For me, nothing beats the evidence supporting Norse Mythology.
I'm thinking you're just trolling now. Would you please read what you're reaponding to? Thanks.
1) I had already disproved your false analogies in previous posts. A Flying Spaghetti Monster, or any other thing whose topological constraints constitute any portion of their identity, is a false analogy to an intelligent designer (i.e. if a Creator creates topological constraints but exists prior to them, it follows its identity is not constituted by topological constraints). All entities whose identities consist of topological constraints could be empirically verified or falsified should they exist; an intelligent designer cannot be empirically verified or falsified should it exist. But it is not exempt from logical verification or falsification, which is precisely why it's an appropriate topic for rational discourse.
2) I'm not a Christian, nor do I follow any religion. I challenge you to write a response to me that does not contain a strawman. I can't remember any. For someone who prides himself on reason and intellectual capacity, you disappoint at both.
3) You still fail to demonstrate even a basic understanding of empirical exploration. A fair (and true) statement is that the evidence does not suggest anything about a god or no god, in the same way the evidence does not suggest anything about mathematics or no mathematics.
4) Please think for yourself. Your botched understanding of what top scientists actually say (e.g. Hawking, deGrasse Tyson, etc.) makes your posts look silly. When you parrot things willy-nilly, it shows.