Not god exist....
Allah Exist Everywhere...!!!Once, a Bedouin was asked what made an unsophisticated man like him believe in Allah. The Bedouin said, "Do you see these marks in the sand?" "Yes," the man replied. "What do they tell you?" asked the Bedouin. "A camel went by," answered the man. The Bedouin then asked, "Did you see the camel?" The man replied, "No, but these footprints in the sand suggest that a camel made them." "Do you see these mountains?" questioned the Bedouin. He continued, "They are indicative to me that Allah made them."
Allah made these Stars,Mountains,Sun,Clouds,Sea,Rivers,Moon....!!!
If Allah not exist then who made these things
Allah Is Great !!!
These are basic and explained in science class. Stars are composed of Gas, Mountains made by shifts in the tectonic plates, Clouds are formed by water, and the Ocean/seas/rivers are composed of water which is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
The reason people are religous is largely because of ignorance/not knowing these things.
Hahahahaha in which institution you know about these things and who told you about these illogical things........
clouds are made by water...!!!
U give water for making of clouds??
rivers,seas are made of water
Is this water given by you??
from where u get hydrogen and oxygen??
Mountains made by shifts in the tectonic plates....
who shift these plates You...
Ok I'm done, go to science class or do expirments concerning these things(Like precipitation in a water bottle). It's useless talking to someone ignorant on simple matters such as these and wondering why their theist...
I could delve deeper into why your beliefs of a god controlling everything actually undermines the "glory" of such a god and is illogical, but I'll leave that to you as it's a waste of time speaking about such on a forum. Go research basic philosohpers such as David Hume, Kant, etc...
The problem is, nobody knows where any of the material or energy of the universe really comes from. All the theories we have about things like Big Bang are so full of holes that they are mostly empty space, like what atoms are.
Statements by physicists which support the existence of Allah and acknowledge His attributes.
1) Descartes, the French philosopher, said ‘Even though I feel imperfection in myself, I feel at the same time there must be a Perfect Being and I find myself obliged to believe that this feeling was implanted in me by the Perfect Being which is characterised by all attributes of perfection, which is God.’
In this statement he is acknowledging his weakness and inadequacy and confirming his belief in the existence and perfection of Allah. He is acknowledging that his feelings and sensations are a gift from Allah and are part of the innate nature instilled in him by Allah:
‘the innate nature made by Allah in which He has made men’
(Surat-ar-Rum (30), ayah 30)
2) Isaac Newton, the well-known English physicist, who discovered the law of gravity said: ‘Don’t doubt the Creator, because it is inconceivable that accidents alone could be the controller of this universe.’
3) Herschel, the English astronomer, said: ‘The more knowledge we have, the more irrefutable proofs we obtain for the existence of an Eternal Creator with infinite power. Geologists, mathematicians, astronomers and biologists have co-operated in setting up the edifice of science which is the edifice of God’s greatness.’
4) Lenet was quoted by Camille Flamirion, the Frenchman, in his book titled ‘God in Nature’ as having said: ‘The wonders of God’s creation, the Everlasting, the Eternal, the Omniscient, the Omnipotent, have astounded me: what power, what wisdom, what creativity in His creatures, small or large. The benefits which we get from these creatures testify to the greatness of the Mercy of God who made them subservient to us. Their perfection and harmony points to His vast Wisdom. Their preservation from extinction and their renewal bear witness to His Majesty and Greatness.’