False association fallacy.
That they were Muslim did not lend anything to mathematical or scientific advancement. Application of logic and the scientific method did that. Being Muslim is what they did when they weren't using logic or the scientific method.
Theism isn't knowledge.
Turing was homosexual, and didn't hide it. Maybe people of that era didn't like it - maybe they put up with it until he'd completed his work. Those things can be debated.
What is not debatable is that in a Muslim society, he would not have been allowed to do his creative work and would likely have been killed. If Britain had been Muslim, the Germans would have won the war.
This is not a "hate Islam" argument but a refutation of your assertion of Great Math and Great Science Advances in Islam. To have these great advances requires tolerance and appreciation for a great many odd types of people (which math wizards are often pretty odd). It requires the 50% of humans known as "women" to be allowed and encouraged to go into science and math. If a culture does not, then it will be retarded.
If not for Turing (unless of course his ideas were discovered later by someone else) we would not be conversing on these "computers". There would be no "bitcointalk.org" because there would be no bitcoin because of a lack of crypto in electronic usages.
So, Greg. You want to stand by your comments of your post of 6:38?
I am curious.
I don't think Turing is a good example to show the superiority of the non-muslim culture or to show our "tolerance and appreciation for a great many odd types of people." Unless by being tolerant and appreciative, you mean prosecuting for being different and forcing a war hero into chemical castration.
Not the moral, feel good story I think you were going for about how much better our society was than an Islamic one at the time.
He did help win a war before the chemical castration. If a sharia laws based society fighting for its survival was attacked and needed a solution to win, turing would have never been solicited in that context, nor even still be alive if openly gay.
What a fine way to reward a war hero. 'Hey, at least we didn't kill you!'