This thread is not about isis or terrorism... Plenty of those already. Check out post #2 to get what it is and what this means to you.
This whole thread is about post #2 and the way it has been avoided, as if invisible, pages after pages after pages after...
Pakistani police Wednesday were looking for four men believed to have killed a couple and their four children as retribution for a perceived “honor crime.”
Police officer Mohammed Aslam said the killings happened Tuesday in the town of Athara Hazari in central Pakistan.
Aslam said the men are believed to have hacked the family to death with axes and knives. One daughter, identified by police as Aisha, survived and relayed what happened to authorities. She and the other bodies were found after a man delivering milk to the house noticed that no one was coming to the door, Aslam said.
When we say of some atrocity "Oh, that was a CRAZY GUY..."
Yeah, but crazy guys are the "lone wolf" killers. Four men together doing this kind of job, they would seem to have to have some kind of wacko belief system. A crazy, lone wolf killer is one in 100,000. Four of them are not going to somehow just meet up.....