I thinks BOMBING people with planes is hate don't you?
So imagine the people on the ground you just bombed will they love you OR hate you?..
So now invite them to live amongst your peoples who are bombing them what will they want to do?.
So now imagine they do do things to the people who bomb them what will the people who bombed
them in the first place want to do back?..
So now they say no it's not about them bombing us they hate our way of life
NO SHIT have you seen the fucking changes in some of the UK TOWNS and CITIES..
They hate our way of life you invited them in to CHANGE IT ..THAT'S FUCKING WHY
So they invite nation who they bomb and then say it's as nothing to do with why MUSLIMS hate us
they hate our way of life ..
You stupid people THEY hate our way of life and the fact we bomb them
But 1 day it will backfire and the POLITICIANS who thinks they can gets away with this
Oh and to the police the politicians made all this happen then throw you on the front line to deal with it all VERY nice of the politicians wouldn't you say?..
But believe me POLICE if civil war breaks out MILLIONS will die and you be the FIRST..
and all because these GREEDY FUCKERS ..
You know what i am talking about So if Civil war I expect you to join us in the fight for your country BACK..
Oh don't worry the ARMY sorted loads of friends family who are and was once in the ARMY ..
They undercut everything to line snooty bastards pockets
and then have you take the blame..
And you will protect these peoples will you?..Then you die like us all IN WAR..
LAW and ORDER ..
Point 1
Investigate some POLITICIANS over FRAUD and JAIL them
Because at the MOMENT the people don't give to fucks about the police
OR even a MONSTER from another planet..
All they care for is MONIES ..
And they don't care for you the policeman or army man THEY DON'T CARE
You are a PAWN on a board to line there own pockets and you high up BOSS of police
Who they will give backhanders TO..
Well that's how they do it they pay the TOP people in the government companies
to do what they want them too..
Top ranking army boss GETS BACK HANDERS..
So when will someone walk in the OFFICE and KNOCK THE FUCKERS OUT ..
Say your no general your an ASS HOLE .
Make sure you got the EVIDENCE before you go in..