God does exist and his reign has been from the beginning and will be till the end of time. If there exist no supreme being, then who created the earth and all that is within? Who created humans and gave us all the abilities we have? Why are all our fingerprints different? These all shows how amazing God is. And of course i know people have a lot of doubts on God's existing.
1) The Big Bang
2) Evolution
3) Why would they all be the same? Are all people identical in size and shape?
Your brainwashing will not allow you to accept those answers, but they are the truth.
Except that all that we know about big bang is what some math tells us. The math doesn't take into account all kinds of possibilities that could make big bang a little pop of nothing. There are at least 3 BB theories that are different enough that they couldn't work together. BB hasn't been proven, but even if it were, we still would need proof that the universe came about this way. Forget big bang. It'll be a thousand years before anybody will know if it even could exist.
Evolution is a hoax, as can be seen by the multitudes of things that show that it impossible, and by the great contradictions of the various evolutionists regarding it.
We are different to show us that math is only a faulty language of mankind. Consider. There isn't one of anything. Even one electron is made up of parts. And there isn't two of anything. Everything is at least slightly different from everything else. This means that 1 + 1 never equals two... because they aren't the same They will always be 1 + 1... never 2.
Now relax. Other people who read this post will understand, even though you won't.
Oh, btw, since 1 + 1 never = 2, BB math never gives a correct answer, either.