you call a community a group of greedy miners and investors that care about nothing but the right moment to dump their coins and buy some lambo'z and brag about it ?
don't be naive .
I prefer R-Type and S1 Bentleys myself.
haha your posts made me laugh, I'm from holland as well doge is a fork of ltc and therefore not innovating but is was the commune that made it unique in its own way. It has attracted lots of new people to the cryptoworld. It has one of the most friendly and biggest communities of al crypto's and was the first funcoin. Every coin has his greedy miners and bagholders but doge has much more. Not saying this because im a bagholder myself only got 5m where I sold 2m of them a wile ago. I was to late to the sene but the doge community has done great things for crypto as a whole.