OK, you bring up one "blue man" who grossly misused CS... But atheism is harmful for health for so many more individuals, as we have already discussed ITT. Furthermore: in the below thread we have evidence that those who meditate can improve their health and DNA, so already this is plenty of reason to seek to understand meditation and meditators; therefore, I have pointed you to Alan Watts as introductory material, so now you can add this thread to your reading list as well:
Now, I point you to Alan Watts' book and meditation because those who have meditated extensively are not EVER inclined to tell you that this ego is the sole form of experience for YOUR awareness.
I also pointed you to Cayce because he discussed these topics extensively and regardless of what is presented to anyone else, I have presented to you the successful and fulfilled predictions mentioned in my source, you only attempted to address one of them or change the subject to failed predictions, but were mistaken about the danger of ingesting CS when it is prepared properly. No one who has educated themselves is really at risk of becoming blue, so I suggest you likewise educate yourself about meditation before the health effects of that ego get to YOU.
The point about Moloch is, he proves that atheism exists by one main method only.
You and I and a lot of people can show Moloch the scientific reasons why God exists, and why atheism is religion. So, what can Moloch do except to use the only scientific field which can bypass all the others?
If Moloch and knowledgeable atheists were truthful and honest, they would have ceased to exist as atheists long ago. But because they aren't truthful and honest - to say nothing about the fact that they are not forthright - they absolutely MUST go to the one science that might have any kind of a chance of proving that atheism is right, and that God doesn't exist.
Which science is this? It is Political Science.
Moloch isn't a master of Political Science. At least not the way he is using it regarding atheism and God in this forum. Rather, he is training himself to be a master of it... or he is a master and is just playing with us because he doesn't have anything better to do.
How is Moloch using Political Science? Through his continual propaganda. In other words, he talks, talks, talks, without anything to back up what he is saying, while throwing in enough REAL knowledge in a twisted form, so that he looks good.
Whatever Moloch's goal, he is simply talking with hot air. He is propagandizing. And he is getting really good at it. He is getting so good that I can't see him not applying the words that I am saying here to us rather than himself.
The difference is, you and I have the other sciences to back up what we say, while he does not. But as long as he can convince us, by means of using Political Science, that he is using the other sciences, we wind up batting at the air, because Moloch answers with Political Science, one of sciences that we don't use.
I don't really blame him. I kind of feel sorry for him. He is like the proverbial rat with his back to the wall, and all there is left to do is fight, with whatever means and methods are left to him. It's all he and other atheists have. If they want to reach their goal - whatever it is, although it includes a lot of pure propaganda - the only thing they have left is Political Science. And with our posts, we are helping him (and others like him) to learn to use it proficiently and effectively.
I feel sad for you
Yeah, I know. The brunt of more of your Political Science will come later. Your expression of sadness is simply the start of the prologue.
I could give 2 fucks about you, yet you spend all year thinking about me... sad day for you
How long did it take to write that hateful monologue?
How many hateful monologues about me have you written in various threads?
How much of your life have you wasted thinking about me? Hours? Days? Weeks?