
Topic: Why lots of people got scam easily - page 20. (Read 5655 times)

full member
Activity: 910
Merit: 100
May 25, 2020, 09:19:20 PM
Greed is the top reason why lots of people got scammed.
This is was happen to me. I got scammed because too greeedy.
I received website that can doubler my btc, but i don't know that website is scam.
yup! you can be used as an example for other members not to make the same mistakes as you.

indeed greed is human nature, but we must also be able to control it so that we don't lose more money or do stupid actions that will harm ourselves.
sr. member
Activity: 1036
Merit: 281
May 25, 2020, 09:14:32 PM
Greed is the top reason why lots of people got scammed.
This is was happen to me. I got scammed because too greeedy.
I received website that can doubler my btc, but i don't know that website is scam.
Greed is part of the main factors why people got scammed, they are focusing in a investment that can give them high returns in just short period of time but greed is not only the factor we should be aware that lack of education and lack of experience are also reasons why there are people who get scam easily because they are not aware on what they are dealing.

Through good and proper education, we can identify what is scam and what is legit, protecting our money is should our first priority if we want to multiply it. We should learned to the others who got scammed before for us to not follow their same path before.
sr. member
Activity: 554
Merit: 271
May 25, 2020, 07:57:00 PM
Greed is the top reason why lots of people got scammed.
This is was happen to me. I got scammed because too greeedy.
I received website that can doubler my btc, but i don't know that website is scam.
Activity: 921
Merit: 10
May 25, 2020, 04:51:10 PM
I agree with you. Any person needs to learn to make sober decisions, not succumbing to the emotions and opinions of other people. Because it is only your money and only you are responsible for it.
full member
Activity: 1512
Merit: 115
May 25, 2020, 04:31:11 PM
the three points you mentioned must be in every human being especially "greed" sometimes they don't care what will happen if they have been blinded by the offer given. they only think of profit
sr. member
Activity: 1344
Merit: 264 | Ultimate Launchpad on TON
May 25, 2020, 04:23:19 PM
Most people are scammed in this market because they don't have the knowledge to choose projects. In addition, they also do not control their psychology, always greedy because offers come from scammer and shady projects.
full member
Activity: 644
Merit: 100
May 25, 2020, 01:31:09 PM
I think a lot of people get scammed, due to ignorance and weak verification of the fact in the world of cryptocurrencies. From my own experience, I can say that I have experienced these scams, for example, at Discord, where a person writes to you that you have won bitcoins and your winning code must be entered on another page. It's a clear scam. You should always consider carefully where you will deposit your money and whom you will trust.
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 101
May 11, 2020, 03:47:13 PM
Greed is the most reason one people get scammed not just trust alone. Once you are greedy you will tend to trust because you want double income or tripled but once you are contented with the little you are and apply carefulness you won't be easily scam by scammers. Let's learn to be careful especially on telegram where many of them are.
hero member
Activity: 3066
Merit: 629
20BET - Premium Casino & Sportsbook
May 10, 2020, 08:48:18 AM
ye i agree that greed, no knowledge and trust are always get scam and mostly newbies are victim of it. Some people are lazy to research the project they just want to quick make money.  
Laziness and lack of research is what makes them easily to be scammed. They don't become curious to the project that makes them want to research more of them instead, they are becoming curious how they will make money out of it easily.
But the risk of thinking like the latter makes them more prone to the be scammed. Without knowing, they have already in the bite the bait of those cons.
full member
Activity: 668
Merit: 100
May 10, 2020, 08:36:55 AM
Things why a person can easily get scammed in crypto-world

1. Greed
2. No knowledge about the project
3. Trust

This are the three main reason why they get easily scam
Greed, because there are a lot of promise by the campaign and the developer we easily believe that its true
investing a lot of money in the project that is garbage.
No knowledge also is the second reason because of the trend they just go and invest without any knowledge of the said project
Trust because they trust the people in the project which sometimes pretends that the person is a member of the project
they can easily decieved that once they invest , they will soon find out that the person is just impersonating , and not really
what all expected.

Agree! I think the most important things  before invest some money in Crypto,do research!
you need to be carefull when choosing the good project.
Or you can find a good Project by looking at the ICO rating site may be a little helpful
sr. member
Activity: 1988
Merit: 453
May 10, 2020, 08:10:15 AM
There are a number of factors and you can always blame the victims for getting fooled so easily. But at the same time, some of the blame should be placed on the authorities as well. In many of the nations, cryptocurrency is still not 100% legal. I am talking about countries such as India and China. And this pushes the trade underground, and as a result the scammers are getting a greater chance to play their dirty tricks.

It is already legal in India, this year they lifted the ban on cryptocurrency.

The devil is in the details, unfortunately. I am a resident of India, and I am very knowledgeable about the situation here. The supreme court has removed a blanket ban on using bank accounts for cryptocurrency trading. But that doesn't make cryptocurrency trading 100% legal in India. Traders still face a lot of restriction from the authorities, and a lot of the activity is till in the "grey zone".
sr. member
Activity: 1193
Merit: 251
May 10, 2020, 07:09:00 AM
Things why a person can easily get scammed in crypto-world

1. Greed
2. No knowledge about the project
3. Trust

This are the three main reason why they get easily scam
Greed, because there are a lot of promise by the campaign and the developer we easily believe that its true
investing a lot of money in the project that is garbage.
No knowledge also is the second reason because of the trend they just go and invest without any knowledge of the said project
Trust because they trust the people in the project which sometimes pretends that the person is a member of the project
they can easily decieved that once they invest , they will soon find out that the person is just impersonating , and not really
what all expected.

I think the main factor that people fall for scams is still the fact that they trust a lot of people. However, you need to be more careful when choosing investments.
sr. member
Activity: 1876
Merit: 289
May 10, 2020, 07:02:27 AM
ye i agree that greed, no knowledge and trust are always get scam and mostly newbies are victim of it. Some people are lazy to research the project they just want to quick make money.  
Activity: 1274
Merit: 14
May 10, 2020, 06:55:36 AM
If a person is faced with investing for the first time, then his gullibility can play a cruel joke with him. But if a person has already encountered this, then only greed can push him to a thoughtless adventure or outright stupidity.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 16
May 10, 2020, 06:15:49 AM
People are into quick bucks that's why new to crypto are easily to scam and with flowering words from the developers and promises they are easily being targeted from scam syndicates without knowing the consequences in the end. Doing research first is the first defense of this type of project scams especially if projects offering great deals on big exchanges partners that will never happen at all. Some scam projects nowadays offer self-drop and giving extra big bonus when you purchase their tokens.
jr. member
Activity: 980
Merit: 1
May 10, 2020, 06:05:36 AM
The main essence of scammers. To offer what is unrealistic. 100% per month or something like that. There are smart scammers, but there are few. People themselves are to blame for the deception. They are very lazy. You need to understand that there is no easy money. Then the stupid scammers will die out. And there are not very many smart ones.
Activity: 840
Merit: 10
May 10, 2020, 03:09:12 AM
Most is greed and laziness to do research. People just want a verbal assurance from a so called expert and they go all in. It usually doesn't end well. Sometimes the so called expert has been paid to hype the project. It's all for the money.

Agree, people are susceptible to scams because they are usually lazy to do research and are easy to believe in the projects offered. To invest in new projects, in my opinion the research that needs to be done needs to be deeper than when we want to invest in altcoin that is already in the exchanger because the new project needs to be verified about the team working on the project
jr. member
Activity: 667
Merit: 1
May 10, 2020, 02:49:22 AM
Most is greed and laziness to do research. People just want a verbal assurance from a so called expert and they go all in. It usually doesn't end well. Sometimes the so called expert has been paid to hype the project. It's all for the money.
hero member
Activity: 3178
Merit: 661
Live with peace and enjoy life!
May 10, 2020, 01:31:09 AM
Greed and ignorance has cost a lot of people so much loss. So many would have been better in crypto if not for greed. For any one to be free of scam in crypto sphere he or she most not be greedy. Ignorance is another vital factor. Many are still far behind when it comes to the knowledge of cryptocurrency so they got scammed.
It is correct, and with there loss the smart people are making money from them.

The market is very unpredictable and it's just normal to see people who lose money while some makes money.
Maybe at this stage we are the ones who are losing money but we should not allow to be like that forever, there's always a chance to improve and by learning from your mistake, that is already a good start.

as long as we still stays, soon we will be making money if we learn and mature.
Activity: 300
Merit: 11
FRX: Ferocious Alpha
May 10, 2020, 01:28:32 AM
Greed and ignorance has cost a lot of people so much loss. So many would have been better in crypto if not for greed. For any one to be free of scam in crypto sphere he or she most not be greedy. Ignorance is another vital factor. Many are still far behind when it comes to the knowledge of cryptocurrency so they got scammed.
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