Why so many people say "Muslims are terrorists" Should we say that?
I think there is always a scapegoat in the community.
Who is the most violent perpetrator of the massacre? Who?
I Think "" Hitler "!!! He persecuted 6 million Jews. With that we blame the Christians for that ?, Hitler, He's Christian ,so because he persecutes the Jews, it does not mean all Christians are like that.
Then , How about Muslims? are they all terrorists? Are there organizations that want to create a " Muslims Phobia" ?
It is inappropriate for us fellow humans to hate and kill each other.
what do you think? I'm more of an individualist myself. I don't like to smear people based on their belief systems / race / gender.
A typical example would be when I was younger our local shop was run by a family of Pakistani's. They didn't like to touch us when putting money in our hands and every time we walked into their shop they started talking in their native tongue. A few years later another Pakistani family bought the shop from the owners and their family were completely different. The owners shared beers with the locals in the local bar, their daughters were allowed to date whoever they wanted, and whenever we walked into their shop they swapped from their native tongue to English. Both families were Muslim. They may have both subscribed to the same belief sets but both families were guided by their own sense of morality and took a different aspect away from their belief.
Yes, there are bad Muslims. Yes, there are bad Christians. Yes, there are bad Atheists. Same with Liberals and Conservatives, they both have good and bad people in them - but to tar them all over the actions of other people is silly.
People are people. And span widely in beliefs, culture, even realities.