The muslims who advocate killing and violence are like christians who take the old testament texts heavier than the new testament.
Do I have to start a count of how much this logical fallacy of tu quoque is used? We have been over this. Christianity has been through a serious reform process separating the state from the religion, Islam has not.
Theres just bad people that interpret in a bad way.
Compare to BTC for example.
BTC isn't responsible for Money Laundering the person that uses it is. But anytime someone is convicted of a crime and BTC is involved whats the first thing said BTC is use for MONEY Laundering.
In the case of Islam as a religion any bad that occurs is used to justify the adversity interpreted in the Quran as bad. What my point is in anything you can make a statement sound good or bad. so my suggestion there are over 1.5 billion worldwide and a small minority of these do absolutely stupid things that even there religion does not permit so lets tarnish the whole 1.5 BILIION.
Bitcoin is not a political system, it is literally just data sitting on inanimate objects. Islam consists of people who make up entire countries with aspirations for a global caliphate. I am glad you brought up the fact that there are 1.5 billion Muslims, because in Western nations they get special treatment as minorities, but they are by no means a minority of any kind.
Additionally the fact that Islam is so large is EVEN MORE of an argument that it should be reformed because the impact is that much larger. The fact is Islam refuses to reform itself, so it is extremely hypocritical of Muslims to cry about criticisms of Islam if they refuse to control their own people for whatever reasons.
Until Islam reforms itself and stops seeking domination and submission of non-Muslims through violence or other wise THERE WILL ALWAYS be conflict and collective blame regardless of how many innocent individuals there are. I suggest if you don't like it you look to your Muslim brothers and sisters and find ways to change Islam, because if you don't, outsiders will, and at that point they aren't going to care much about your opinions on the matter. Those that live by the sword die by the sword, and those that stand idly by while their own shed blood are not innocent.