In my country, the USA, most terrorists are Christian yet people fear muslims because they are "foreign" and they don't get fair representation in the media. Our media only shows news stories from muslim countries when they are related to war or terror. Our TV shows and movies mostly cast muslims into terror-related roles. This has had a dehumanizing affect on muslims. TV will never tell the truth.
I recommend you travel to some muslim countries and you will actually find them to be much more friendly and hospitable than western countries. Travel to Iran, Pakistan, and Indonesia. These are among the largest muslim countries in the world and the friendliest, most hospitable counties I have ever been but mentioning them strikes fear into the heart of most Americans.
Since Muslim countries are so much more friendly, let's let them conquer off all the other countries by their violence, so that we can all be friendly, right?
The only way we get Muslim countries at all is, Muslims threaten other people to convert or face cruelties and death. People might convert to Islam sincerely, sometimes, without being threatened into it. But the only ways that Muslim countries come about, is by threat of violence against non-Muslim people.
We have peace and prosperity in Western Europe and the USA. Muslims like it. So they come to Western Europe and the USA for peace and prosperity. Then they turn the peaceful countries into violent countries. It's happening throughout Western Europe, and the only reason why it's not happening in the USA is the oceans. Not a lot of Muslims have crossed the oceans to the USA with their oh-so-peaceful violence, yet.