"The West" is not protected from criticism. "The West" does not wag their finger at you telling you that you are Westophobic when you criticize its flaws. "The West" doesn't throw people off of roof tops for being gay, or stone women for being unfaithful. "The West" does not seek to kill people who abandon its Western values. "The West" is not a religion. I assume you are Arab based on your name, excuse me if I am wrong there, but as an Arab you have some cantaloupe sized balls talking to a Westernerer about exploiting Africans. Do you have any knowledge of the ancient (and modern) slave trade run by Islam out of Africa? Every crime you point at the West for Islam has 3 more skeletons in its own closet it is trying to hide. Perhaps instead of pointing your finger out and making excuses you should start looking inward, because the excuses and "whataboutisms" aren't enough any more.
Very well said. Especially the opening statement that ""The West" is not protected from criticism."
The West doesn't have to be protected from criticism. Why not? Because criticism doesn't harm anyone. In fact, it often helps those who are being criticized.
But if you criticize a Muslim, he's oh-so-hurt that he goes out and throws people off roof-tops, stones women for being unfaithful, kills Muslims who abandon the faith, ignores all the past harm that Islam has done, and seeks to undermine the values of other countries and religions.
Oh the pain of some sound vibrations in the air. They hurt and harm Muslims so badly that they have to be returned in full. LOL! So those greatly harmed Muslim, who just can't take a little talk against them, go out and kill and maim and threaten to do damage, just because a little sound hurt them soooo badly.
Do you know what those Muslims showed when they returned harm and damage because someone verbalized against them a little? They showed that they are the evil that the talkers said they were.