After the second world war, US became the most powerful country in the modern world. With nuclear weapons, space explore, big scientific progress. But what can be the reason for this huge power ? Military power ? Strong economy ? Diversity in society ? Or something else ?
it has a very good geography, compared with all other big powers, like russia and china,
it has only weak neighbours, it has a very good agricultural basin with rivers, the country if it is united like it was after european colonialism it became very powerful in projecting power.
additionally you have to understand that the usa is protecting saudia arabia and the gulf making its us dollar being backed by oil which everyone needs, making the american financial institutions very powerful they can fund a lot of things.
with the world ending up serving them
china, japan -> electric equipment
germany -> maschinery
india -> office service
africa -> natural ressources
only russia is independent of the united states.