So, yeah I think hidden option is still valid and could be used and I support it but I can also understand why people find it interesting, you are not giving your KYC to people, it is a nick that you take that is shared so it is not like you are giving away too much information about you. You can keep it hidden, it should your right to keep it hidden but just because there is that option you can't make people stop wondering who you are.
Is it really a serious matter? Even if you do show up your username commonly on most gambling sites your are playing into.There no one would able to know your identity even the house itself.Lets say they can track out on where you do play on but knowing your identity is impossible unless if they do ask out KYC thats why i do see this hidden feature is somehow useless because even I would plan or got curious on a whale gambler on who he is,you cant still do anything to track it out and just leave you got amazed on how he bets.