If I concerned myself with every purchase I make, and how that would make someone who can't afford it feel, life wouldn't even be worth living. I don't reprimand people who make more money than me for buying a nicer car than I can afford... what?
If you really want to waste your BTC on coffee then that is up to you.
But it you really think that Bitcoin is more than just a PayPal replacement why on earth would you do that?
Please stop putting words in my mouth. I never said BTC was Visa, nor did I say it was Paypal. I also don't think I am "wasting" BTC on my purchases.
Every single bit I spend I buy back, immediately, to replenish my stock. I spend Bitcoin to support the network (there would be no miners if there were no transactions to confirm) and because sometimes you get great deals, like Purse.io.