Then, I guess, perhaps we could agree that, hard fork the network with the support of just 6 pool operators, and one month "grace period", while completely disregarding the response of the network of full nodes at the time, like what the Bitcoin Classic people are very clear about what they are trying to do, is very undemocratic?
I thought Core/Blockstream devs have spoken out about how Bitcoin is NOT a democracy? And to make it one would ruin it?
All I know is I am sick of paying the recommended fee from the Core client (and even extra at times) and having to wait a couple hours at times to get included in a block, since the mempool is so backlogged. That was never the idea behind Bitcoin - paying for a 'fast lane.'
Edit: I gotta head out for now. Whatever happens, I just hope all of our investments (time and monetary) stay intact. No one on either side wants to see Bitcoin fail. Good luck to everyone.